I'm gonna see if I can do this for you.
I'll have a look at this. EDIT: This plugin could drastically decrease your performance if the BPS and the selected float is too big, just a tip.
Sorry, been busy with personal stuff. Could someone else please take over?
I'll fix this now.
Ops, my bad, I forgot about this request. Luckily we got pro oliver! :cool:
I'll fix.
I made his last plugin request where he wanted a pure command plugin so I just wanted to doublecheck.
Send a pastebin of the actual code and I can have a look.
Use spigot temporarily or permanent. Enable timings and let it run for 30 minutes or more, preferably when there is lag. /timings on After...
Vault, yes or no?
The plugin is now available at BukkitDev. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/limitfly-byfredl/
Check my signature, I just made it. There is also an update on BukkitDev that should soon be approved....
I'm working on another plugin as well so I haven't been able to look into it yet, sorry.
I can do this, however I will need a more descriptive information of the requirements of weapons and what not.
Updated, should work now Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5N06LHtu_ifdHFNbEpFUlVsX1E/view?usp=sharing Commands: /fly - limitfly.fly...
Separate names with a comma.