Is there a way to link servers to a hub like Bungeecord does in Spigot? I want to run bukkit and couldn't find any plugins for this.
Is there a way i can change the chat text [Lvl] to say [Kills]
yes 1.4 and craftbukkit. How do i fix it.
Im using mcmyadmin and when i use ยง4 i get "?" show in the title but the color works.
Thanks that worked. Seems to be good now
do you know what its called. force_pvp_on=false friendly_fire=false health_regen=true health_regen_speed=3000 inactive_after_time=86400000...
So i have to add them to the user list and give them default group. Wow that is not good. Is this only because towny plugin. I got it installed...
Ok ill try that one.
The newest one i believe.
Im having problems getting towny to work correctly. I dont know what i am doing wrong. Im pretty sure it has to do with permissions. I posted a...
2011-06-12 18:00:38 [INFO] [Towny] Database: [Load] flatfile [Save] flatfile 2011-06-12 18:00:38 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling Towny v0.6...
Separate names with a comma.