pedrinholuizf Here are a few plugins that may suit your needs...
SilverOlympus If you want the "website" then just get the banner to put "apply for an unban at _____________" at the end of the command. Or you...
SilverOlympus Why not just use essentials? You don't have to type /a [COMMAND] just /[COMMAND], and it has permissions!...
ridalarry There is no way for only admins to get x-ray through a plugin. Get them to get an x-ray mod or x-ray texture pack. Also please follow...
Stand still with bettersprint enabled, also did you deop yourself? And move yourself to the default group with little permissions. Also you can...
BTTFHamster A random name... and where will the names be pulled out of? A config? Please be more specific with your wish.
JavaGuava 1. How can you force a player to plant a sapling? I can only think of you manually controlling the player with...
BTTFHamster From your description, it seems as though you want a name changer plugin?
ZodiacTheories Sorry :3
If the player is standing still with bettersprint on, it will detect the player, and freeze them in place/ send out the notification
hjkim1205 I found something similar to your request, this plugin has a timer and automatically switches someone's gamemode, disables/enables...
Alster551 A plugin that kind of senses things such as Fly mod, or BetterSprint, would be When...
Nezar This plugin seems close to what you want,
siemaeniu500 Your description of the plugin wasn't that clear... but I'm assuming you want something like this?...
@EventHander public void FireWork(EntityDamageEvent event) { if (event.getPlayer().getItemInHand().getType() == Material.FIREWORK) {...
Separate names with a comma.