To toggle a bool, you can do this: x = not x
It's possible. What command do you use to start the server?
It's a bad plugin using the incorrect format for console saying... /plugins please.
Or just by yourself and friends a copy of minecraft. W/e's
Either a mismatched Java version or you somehow don't have the file in that directory? Do you have the Jar?
No no no! Jesus! Installing a server is a lot easier. DexoD you need to tell people how to start the server. BradMat, please read this:...
Use please:
You need to have build permissions set.
Also, in the future post in the specific plugins thread.
Most likely the company is overselling. It would be smarter to talk to there suppor team then here. Seriously though, it's most likely the RAM.
Please post the server.log or errors, along with /plugins and /version (if you can).
Try just downloading a CB build and putting it (along with the world and properties) in a new folder. See what happens.
Read the errors before posting! How much RAM does the server have? The java.lang.OutOfMemoryError suggests that it's running out of RAM.
No clue. What plugins do you have?
Essentials has a set spawn tool.
Separate names with a comma.