I get the same error, however worldedit does not seem to have anything to do with it. Buycraft will simply not load.
I get this error when trying to load Buycraft now: http://pastebin.com/GYk09xs7
did you rename your .jar to just "craftbukkit.jar" ? Dev works for me, but i typically rely on beta builds.
Craft Bukkit WORKING! I just updated to -=- http://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/view/00971_1.2.4-R0.1/ -=- and I have the following...
I dont understand if you are calling me a liar because i sign the check for the monthly cost of service or because you think I dont ask for...
I run two servers, I don't need to ask for donations. On your site you say "Updated server to 1.2.4, still no Bukkit though because the Bukkit...
The _Additional_ cost for me is only about $9. I am the one that 'signs the checks' that get sent to our providers.
PS - Server Admins these days dont know shit. Thanks to CraftBukkit anyone can run a server, very easily. When all these bitchy server admins...
I am a server administrator for two free servers, I understand the cost of hosting, as I pay that out of pocket. As far as donations go, they are...
James, First, Don't be an asshole. Second, Stop complaining about server donations, Mojang and CraftBukkit teams are not here to line your...
Separate names with a comma.