Plugins & Version of Bukkit?
List your plugins and Bukkit/Spigot build.
Try giving yourself this permission and make sure you're opped! worldguard.region.bypass.<world>
There is no such permission as "essentails.*" and you don't even have Modify world installed, so they don't need that.. Try using this, I just...
Go into WorldGuard's Configuration file, and look for this option: chest-protection: enable: true (change this to false)
No problem, did you delete "Essentials Anti-Build"?
What is your server version? 1.8, 1.8.4, etc
I'm not understanding your question or concern, what exactly are you trying to get at?
Be sure you have added the permission "essentials.kit" then /pex reload, if that doesn't work. PM me your config or post it here and I'll help you :p
Delete "Essentials Anti-Build", it happened to me before. Just disable it with plugman if you wish. For Grief Prevention, go to their BukkitDev or...
Any errors within the console?
How much RAM do you have allocated to your server? Also, I suggest buying a server, not locally hosting it if you're looking to make it a public...
Try using /pex user USERNAME group set GROUP
I'd be glad to help you out with this, can we talk more? What's your skype?
Separate names with a comma.