The [x] sends a System.exit(int) to the virtual machine, right? Just use System.addShutdownHook(Thread) and run the code of the /stop command in...
Yes, I support Register. But it's an API, like the bukkit API. I'm part of Register, so if anyone else wants to support my plugin, then they can...
It's been a while since I looked at this, wow. @Pim1234, that's on Towny's end. If they decide to support Register or just this plugin, then you...
Never Mind, I found a work around.
Hey, I have a bug to report / question to ask. if(rand.nextInt(10) == 0) ((Player)npc.getBukkitEntity()).chat("The hive rules all! Kill...
If I may. A simple suggestion for block strength is to have a hashmap<Block, Double[]>, where the Double[] is the length 2 array of strength and...
Cool, i'll work on that too. Also, Works with the latest recommended build.
Your problem is you haven't changed the config value 'world' under options. It defaults to world, and you've probably changed your worldname.
Hmm? It's not outdated, it's just very lacking ATM. Also, you don't need every user to import that code. You just add it to your plugin jar, and...
I've updated the plugin to 0.11, making it usable and working with register. The config was glitchy. Also, I will be moving this to BukkitDev...
When I next release, i'll have better support for devs. ATM, you could use a playercommandpreprocessevent and check for the "/pay" command. Then...
Quite interesting, @JamEngulfer221 , perhaps you could make an addon plugin for that. I have a few ideas of having the plugin call custom events....
Register is an API for Plugins wanting to use Currency. It's made by Nikkojun....
It doesn't work with the other currency plugins persay, it's part of Register, so it's compatible with them. It provides it's own currencies. If...
Okay, for all this plugin.yml annoyance, my newest build fixes all of that.
Separate names with a comma.