I am unsure on the purpose of the code, but I can immediately tell you that you're missing a closing bracket. You open setItem with a bracket, but...
Whilst some would disagree with me, I feel the best way to "debug" a plugin is to code a separate debug mode, preferably enabled via the...
The solution wasn't found by him, it was given by FTWinston one post above his, which was also quoted in his post. He even said, in his post, that...
Removed Adfly links and replaced them with correct links. We do not allow Adfly links on plugin submissions and on our forums.
http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/slight-policy-change-hiring-developers.81623/ You aren't making a team, you're hiring developers.
It isn't in the ToS to stop under 18's from getting rewards for no reason, it's to protect them and their business. You can still take part if you...
My apologies, I misread the initial post, I thought you were talking about just the titles. Yes, you should have to actually request the plugin in...
If someone is reading the plugin requests forum, scouting for plugin ideas I don't think it's a huge problem for them to open a different page and...
Whilst I'm unsure why no one has suggested this, Material has a matchMaterial method, why not just use that?
Separate names with a comma.