I don't know what is going over my head, but I can't seem to get permissions working. I don't know what permissions plugin I should be using, but...
Can someone explain to me how to set up the web interface.
Hey that worked. Thanks for the quick reply!
Permissions is out of date. This plugin doesn't seem to see bukkitpermissions :( Any way I can let anyone /tpp to other worlds, but leave the rest OP?
I'm looking for a good web interface for my server. Every time I see one I think oh this is cool, but always has some giant put off. Like I want...
What is this web interface? Just says {"Error":"Invalid Data"} in the web browser and 2011-07-27 01:54:25 [Web Interface] sent invalid...
I just have a stock install. Placed the Jar into the plugin folder and it generated the logs and such. I can't figure out how to open the logs to...
Ok another dumb question. If I open the bigbrother.h2 file in notepad++ it just shows nullnullnull over and over again.
Is there a way to tell what people have taken or put in chests. It seems that anyone that looks in a chest it shows as a edit. I wanna be able to...
Ah ok. The way people were talking it seemed like no one knew how to get seeds.
It's not broken. You have to harvest seeds from tall grass now. Grab some bonemeal and use it on a block of grass and watch what happens.
Thanks. Wasn't sure which was at fault. Working like a charm now.
Trying to import a map. One built by the planetoids mod. But when I import it it takes me to some basic map. I've tried it a few times.
Separate names with a comma.