Updated to support configurable duration and max level of resistance. Also added -1 level upon death as requested Download it on the GitHub link...
Made it based on your very limited specifications. https://github.com/AntTheAntster/ResistanceKill
This is outside of Bukkit and plugins really however wouldn't a script that runs on the actual root of the server best be used here that can wipe...
Interesting I didn't think to use 'INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE'. And I tend to use Name as a primary key rather than the UUID because I had a...
It was something I quickly threw together under the assumption that the OP would want all his players to link their discord therefore I just...
Hello, I have created a plugin for you to do this. Hope this helps :) Plugin Link: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/discordlink.109764/
Separate names with a comma.