wrong forum, sorry. Please delete.
I have been with Beastnode a long time. I have a dedicated box with them now, but even when I was renting a smaller server from them it was top notch.
I've been running it for a long time. Players go nuts for it. I have found that players' levels have gotten wiped a few times when I was changing...
Yes, that was my thought process too. Deleting the player .dat files resolves the issue temporarily, but the problems persist when players return...
I keep getting this error no matter what I do. It looks to me like map/chunk corruption. I deleted the map and made a new one, and I still get...
My monthly operating expenses are around $260. My monthly donations are usually $150 or less. I don't suggest doing this for the money.
I'm a long term AdminCmd user and I dislike Essentials for various reasons. I have found Vault to be solid as a rock. Paired up with GoldIsMoney,...
Please, let me first say that I am NOT complaining! I fully understand that using dev builds of software carries a risk of problems, and there is...
If only some sort of "developmental" builds existed. Hmm, this idea could really take off!
Beastnode all day long. I have a dedicated box with them and it's full of win.
Are the latest (1201+) versions of SpoutPlugin playing nice with custom blocks again? I want to resolve the double text issue but I had to roll...
www.beastnode.com is top notch.
Separate names with a comma.