Happy to help! :) Also if you run into any more issues try manually closing the first inventory after 1 tick as well. I'm not sure if this is...
You need a slight delay of 3 ticks before opening the purchase confirm inventory, the purchase inventory needs time to close first
For example you could have a world "World" and a world "WorldCopy" both loaded on the server. Nobody should be allowed into WorldCopy and it...
It looks like the maven repo is down, I'll let the owner of it know and it should be back up soon :) Btw, including it in the .jar manually is...
Are you sure you're not running into issues because of craftbukkit being taken down? All the AmpMenus builds on Jenkins and the maven repo were...
Read my suggestion... it's the perfect solution
He's not even using a foreach, and even if he was he's still looping through a copy of the list and removing the items from the original list. My...
What about having a copy of the world and using it to see if the block change should be allowed or not?
TigerHix I like the idea and thanks for the suggestion but I'm probably going to side with mahlooo here, because it forces a behavior that isn't...
In Inventory titles and ItemStack display names/lore?
I removed the line in an ItemMenu's constructor that registers the listener automatically for version 1.3 in this commit - should solve the...
bombom3000 Your Menus.instance variable is null - to fix this you could either remove the variable and just make the settingsMenu() method...
You could do that with the TieredGameItem in the example MenuItems for Minigame Shops link - basically there's a GameItem which extends MenuItem...
Your GUI classes are sufficient for inventory menus that do not change. However you're missing the entire purpose of AmpMenus - it's intended for...
Nice library :) I noticed this right off the bat, getCreation() is kinda pointless as its not a static method and it just returns the instance -...
Separate names with a comma.