Sad to see you go man, we haven't exactly been on the best terms over the years but you've been friendly and approachable irrespective of anything...
ItemMeta is out allowing you to do both those things,
Yeah, this is indeed a client side bug. One way to work around it is to strike the lightning one block above, i.e the air above your target block.
ItemStacks do not have UUIDs.
I answered a similar question a while ago and here's the n.m.s method that came up to ray trace a player to a location. The usage is self...
Yes, ItemStack does indeed implement ConfigurationSerializable but only works up to enchantments, books and such wont have their data serialized...
Multiverse-Inventories uses a method of serialization that guarantees compatibility with current and future minecraft item metadata by drilling...
Hacking/casting down into craftbukkit classes is the only way to do this at the moment, dynamic command registration doesn't exist in the bukkit...
For grabbing info out of the book you can do the following net.minecraft.server.NBTTagCompound nbttc = yourCraftItemStack.getTag(); String title =...
You want to send them the message if they have the permission yet you do if(!sender.hasPermission("prenumerata.redaktor")) That "!" basically...
There is no openContainer method in the bukkit Player class, I'm assuming you're referring to the nms EntityHuman's openContainer. You should be...
Looks like MrFigg's got you covered on how to use it but here's a brief explanation on how it works: The Vec3D.a().create() created two 3d...
If you don't mind poking into Craftbukkit/n.m.s you can use vanilla ray tracing, I wrapped it up into a convenient little method public boolean...
It can be used from console currently.
Separate names with a comma.