I'm no programmer so take this post with a grain of salt. Recently, I switched over my Minecraft server from a Windows-based host to a Linux...
+1 Thanks to the Bukkit team for all your hard work. :D
I would LOVE if Mojang adopted Bukkit as their multiplayer "modding API". It doesn't seem like they will ever get around to it themselves and...
The point that has been made is "no one knows and no one will know until it hits". Just keep checking the front page like I do.
I like how, in the same status, they both "commit" to this month's release (" It'll be very soon, I promise!") but then also mention that they...
Hmm...While there's been tons of discussion for the latest 1.0-compatible Bukkit builds, no one seems to be talking about the plugin development....
Good God. Why can't you newbies learn how to batch script on your own? So many useless posts in this thread. (+1 for this post) That should...
Is there any active development still for BigBrother? I too am interested in a 1.0 compatible BB plugin, however, we don't even have a CraftBukkit...
The ability to write batch files? Wouldn't it just be much simpler to name the jar to "bukkit.jar" and just replace with each update? Seems to be...
I've been running vanilla since the pre-release debacle, you can all do that until Bukkit is updated and zip...
This is definitely doable with using a network load balancer in front of servers, using a virtual IP on my Internet-facing side and having the...
I don't expect to find any automagic tools or utilities, as I'm sure the average Joe like me wouldn't need such a setup. I could definitely see...
Has anyone set up two or more Bukkit servers in a high availability way? For example, having an active and standby Bukkit server, using the...
RT'd. =D
Separate names with a comma.