Not that hard. Especially since he gave a plugin that already has it implemented xD If I didnt want to spend any time with my family over the next...
Here ya go pal: Plugin Page Download Page [IMG] [IMG] PS: If I messed anything up just message me :)
Almost done with it. Will be finished by tonight.
Yea cool idea +1
ChiicoFlash This is the way I accomplished a clear. It has been a while, but I believe this was the easiest way to do so.
Player p; ScoreboardManager mng; p.setScoreboard(mng.getNewScoreboard()); About to release a GIANT update that adds multi menu functionality! Estimated Friday
Sure feel free to pm me if you need any help
No problem. Hopefully you know where to add all the different components I threw together above. If not I can explain.
HashMap<Player, Boolean> canCmd = new HashMap<Player, Boolean>(); onCommand(){ if(canCmd.get(player)){ doWhateverYouWant();...
Is there a way that we can listen to the block selector. This is triggered by a middle mouse button click by default.
Is there a way I can intercept the strings that are going to be output onto the log and use them for another purpose. For example: This can be...
Separate names with a comma.