My problem is happening again. I also disabled enforce-single-session option. But now somebody can login he sees a message he/she is online now...
I'm trying to figure out with AutoStop plugin. It restarts the server and memory flushes :)
It's a VPS and it's OpenVz.
Hi i'm having a problem with my server. In the evenings my server closes and says all of connections to 'Read Timed Out'. I guess it is the...
I cant set to any player on login set to join speak channel? How can i set everyone to speak in channel speak?
I set my permissions to every body can send message with /msg command and now i want to set all admins can see the private messages. How can i do...
Can an admin see the all sent messages in the game?
So is there a way to disable the change in /msg command? Or do you know another private message plugin?
I use AdminCmd.
I use bukkit 740 and so what? I use SpyerAdmin, SpyerFun
[SEVERE] null org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'msg' in plugin SpyerAdmin v1.0 at...
Your plugin breakes the command /msg?
Oh thank you! It was the problem :) My problem is resolved :)
Are you using WorldGuard? When i added worldguard to my plugins its not working but if i remove it. People cant login with an online name....
I found my problem. WorldEdit is blocking your plugin. But now what can i do? I cant find anything about playerlogin event in WorldEdit's source.
Separate names with a comma.