Browsing Hangar for Paper plugins
I'm starting to get this too... any suggestions?
You have to use MySQL with it. Look up MySQL, then set up a database (fairly easy on Windows, ask me for help with OS X/Linux), and then set up...
A nice plan would be if you were to set up a local FTP server to push new builds from the computer over to another server in which...
If it were taken down, you would get a 404 when trying to visit Please think before posting, thanks...
If you are running a 1.0 server, replace craftbukkit-1.1-R1-SNAPSHOT.jar with craftbukkit 1.0.1-R2.jar If you are running 1.1, the syntax is...
Hi. I'm concerned for my server's security (changing passwords right now). I received an E-mail, which was in my spam folder, from the domain... It is being updated, just not publicly. Download there.
Well you need a database of some sort :(. I think I found a fix, but it's a hacky, unstable fix, but it should work, I'll upload it when I am done...
I've been trying for about ever since I made the initial version. I'll just need to get someone smart to help me :P I'll be releasing an updated...
My email is [email protected]. Right now my hands are full with Drakcraft (sort of custom client of tons of mods I guess), I won't be...
Oh, good idea :D
Because programming isn't exactly easy :l
I used to have a ton of MySQL problems. Try checking that the provided MySQL user has permissions for said schema/database, ^.^ It's like BigBrother, unfortunately...
Separate names with a comma.