Hey, Fairly certain you don't need a plugin for this. Just create a new group using whatever permissions manager you like, set it to the default...
@BlueBearPvP Hey. Sorry for the delay, but I still have one bug to sort out. The bug is this; any apple can be used to craft any other apple,...
Hey, thanks for the help @Zombie_Striker. Unfortunately, it did not appear to solve the issue. (A tier 1 apple can immediately be crafted into a...
Hey! Recently, I've been trying to create a plugin that allows you to create custom apples, which will give respective buffs when eaten. However,...
Hey there @BlueBearPvP! I've started a general outline for your plugin. It should be done within a few days, as I've coded the outline, and am...
Hey! So I've been creating a plugin with a trade interface, and in it, I create an inventory that a player opens whenever they run the command...
Hey! I've been coding a world generator for my server, and I'm wondering how to set the ENTIRE world to one biome. In this case, I want to make it...
Hey, Thanks for your help! I can't believe I didn't notice that.
Hey, So recently, I've been trying to develop a message plugin. I've got it all down, except for two things. Firstly, here is my code: package...
@Zombie_Striker Hey, Thanks so much for your help! I put the for loop inside my if statement, and now it all works like clockwork. Again, thank...
@Zombie_Striker Thank you, but I'm still unsure about how to fix my issue. I tried using the player.getName() function, but it resulted in only...
@Zombie_Striker Hey, Thanks for the advice. I'm a bit unsure about the new line, though. The command is intended to display all online users,...
Hey, So, I'm a new plugin developer, and recently, I've been trying to create a custom /list command. Here is my code:...
@oceantheskatr Thanks for the help! This worked.
I use world gaurd and factions, and I claimed my spawn both with Safezone and with world guard. I enabled the use, interact, and chest-access...
Separate names with a comma.