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Jan 1, 2011
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Michigan, USA

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Member, Male, from Michigan, USA

Please do not contact me at I will not answer your questions. I do not use this site anymore. Apr 5, 2012

Afforess was last seen:
Sep 15, 2014
    1. BigRenegade
      I'm having a problem with the sensors. For some reason the plugin is NOT generating the file right. I always get a zero byte file (no data at all).
      1. View previous comments...
      2. BigRenegade
        I also want to compliment you on a VERY good mod. This is the only mod I really use on my server and it helps me a whole lot. Keep up the good work.
        Apr 10, 2011
      3. Afforess
        Thanks! I'm glad you were able to get things working!
        Apr 10, 2011
      4. BigRenegade

        I must apologize for my stupid noobie question above. Had I looked in here and just went down a few posts you had already answered the question. (red-faced, head bowed)
        I am new to the minecraft server system and my java knowlede is very small. Keep up the GOOD work and never look back in life :)
        Apr 11, 2011
    2. PedroN041
      Where can i download bukkit 670? I only have 610...
      1. Afforess
        The big link on the title menu "Get CraftBukkit". You can't miss it.
        Apr 8, 2011
    3. Raws
      Hey Afforess, thanks for Minecart Mania!

      Is there a good place to ask questions about the MM API? I've got a plugin in the works ( and I was wondering about tying into MM's configuration and whatnot.

      edit: whoa, I guess bbcode doesn't work here
      1. Afforess
        You can discuss it here, but a PM might be better (since it has no char restrictions.

        What do you have questions about? I know a lot of the Minecart API (ironically) has no docs, but I've got documentation for a lot of the other stuff.
        Apr 8, 2011
    4. Dragendave
      Hey Afforess ;)

      Great Plugin, but how about adding this to MinecartMania:

      Option 4: Clear Track, kill all living things and hurt player.

      Hurt player by speed... more speed, more damage... or even death. :)

      Just like good old RL.

      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dragendave
        Is there no way of combining the Clear Player command with adding damage?

        Too bad :(
        Apr 7, 2011
      3. Afforess
        There might be. I'll add it to the todo.
        Apr 7, 2011
      4. Dragendave
        ^^ Good luck & Thx!
        Apr 7, 2011
    5. Joel Falknai
      Joel Falknai
      Nice work Afforess.. you are the main staying point of our server - keep up the great work
    6. meggawatts
      did you realize you are member number 42?, sorry just amazing that number 42 develops Minecart Mania, My favorite Plugin :D
      1. Afforess
        Yeah, I saw that. Clearly I am the answer to life, the universe, and everything. ;)
        Mar 31, 2011
    7. nossr50
      I am beginning to associate you with Gandalf!
      1. Afforess
        Mar 29, 2011
    8. Afforess
      Managed to get all my plugins updated for RB 600. Harrah!
    9. satanafox
      1. Afforess
        Sign and setup seems perfect. Are you sure the server is running Minecart Mania Core AND Minecart Mania Chest Control?
        Mar 28, 2011
    10. satanafox
      I have a picture. I used that(what you told me to write), still doesn't work... take a look. Where should I send it?
      1. Afforess
        You can upload to to some image host site, or like tinypic, or get a dropbox account and use that.
        Mar 27, 2011
    11. satanafox
      I had iron ore blocks and coal in the chest, but none of it went into the cart. I'm using Minecart Mania 1.05 all, except 1.04 Automations and 1.0 Pressure Plates. Also, should I be typing in the [] around each line? When I used a max speed sign, it auto-placed them, but not for the items signs.
      1. Afforess
        You do not need to add [] manually.

        If you want items from a chest to go into a minecart, you should use something like:

        "Deposit Items"
        "iron ore"

        on a sign nearby the chest. Without more details about the specific setup (e.g a screenshot), I can't provide more specific instructions.
        Mar 27, 2011
      2. satanafox
        Thanks. Again, dumb I put the quotes? :3
        Mar 27, 2011
      3. Afforess
        No quotes.
        Mar 27, 2011
    12. Rudobiku Katsuyo
      Rudobiku Katsuyo
      Haem... Wrote in commentaries cause a bit too long...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Afforess
        I was just joking about that today to a friend. My Calc 3 class gives us too much homework. ~ 10 hours a week...
        Mar 28, 2011
      3. Rudobiku Katsuyo
        Rudobiku Katsuyo
        Oh my god... Ho, btw... Is there another way than this post/comment system? :p (Skype rudobiku-katsuyo, Mail/MSN: [email protected], or other? As you want! And if you don't have anything else, you can even type my nick on facebook and find me! (Rudobiku Half-Ghost Katsuyo) But this limited thing annoys me...)
        Mar 28, 2011
      4. Rudobiku Katsuyo
        Rudobiku Katsuyo
        (I'm just begining to work on the translation, right know...)
        Mar 28, 2011
    13. satanafox
      I'm having trouble with item collection/depositing. I'm running my server on a Mac. I've got all plugins except Autocart. I put a double chest parallel & flush next to the track, have a storage cart bouncing back and forth, and I've got one sign for deposit and one for collect on either side of the chest.
      |||[Deposit Items]
      |||[Collect Items]
      (||| = track)
      1. Afforess
        Setup Seems fine. What version of MM are you using, and what is/isn't happening that you expect to happen?
        Mar 26, 2011
      2. satanafox
        I had iron ore blocks and coal in the chest, but none of it went into the cart. I'm using Minecart Mania 1.05 all, except 1.04 Automations and 1.0 Pressure Plates. Also, should I be typing in the [] around each line? When I used a max speed sign, it auto-placed them, but not for the items signs.
        Mar 26, 2011
    14. Kylon
      have one question
      with the sensors
      when i write sensor and 0000 on the sign i canĀ“t activate it with a tool or something else
      whats wrong?
      p.s: i put all your files in the plugin folder and it worked but not the sensors and they are really nice
      1. Afforess
        Mar 23, 2011
      2. Kylon
        quickest answer ever : D thank you so much
        Mar 23, 2011
    15. Afforess
      Plugin Standard Certification = Good Idea?
      1. contex and Wulfspider like this.
    16. Kylon
      thank you for the minecart thinks thats pretty cool : D
      1. Afforess
        Your welcome!
        Mar 22, 2011
    17. Roadcrosser
      1. Afforess
        Try this:

        "[Collect Items]
        [N+<seed ID>]"

        On a second sign:

        "[Deposit Items]
        [S+<seed ID>]"
        Mar 18, 2011
    18. Afforess
      "Excessive Thermal Event" causing reboots on your computer is a good thing, right?
    19. Afforess
      Writing Documentation is the spice of life. Or maybe just the spice of mulled wine.
    20. Afforess
      Wonder's if he could get the custom title "Plugin Developer Extraordinaire". Mostly because it rhymes.
    21. Afforess
      Has to read his own documentation to remember how some of the minecart stuff works.
    22. AceAllahNinja
      Nice plugin dude, I appreciate it.
    23. DjDCH
    24. TankFox
      OMG Congrats on MM 1.0! Minecart mania is one of my favorite things about minecraft :)
    25. Obsidian
      You are beginning to feel slightly sleepy.

      Also, gameloss.
      1. Afforess
        I might actually be feeling sleepy ATM, it is midnight now. But I am drinking on a Coke 2L, which has enough caffeine to keep me going till 3.
        Feb 25, 2011
    26. dorrax
      A couple things should be added to MM. The ability to sort mobs would be nice, currently, if I am reading it right, I can sort mobs and players, but I can't sort mobs by type. I would like to send zombies one way and creepers another for instance. Also, autofarming does not harvest seeds from the wheat, and this creates massive seed shortages in automated farms.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Afforess
        Simplicity can also be a straightjacket. MM's sorting may be a bit more complex, but it's also much much more versatile.
        Feb 25, 2011
      3. dorrax
        So I made a 20 story tall 3300 plant capacity farm. It lagged the server to death as soon as the storage cart went inside. Me go too far?
        Feb 26, 2011
      4. Afforess
        IDK - the automated farming is multithreaded but if you don't have a lot of extra cores, it will lag. Would be fun to see.
        Feb 26, 2011
    27. Afforess
      Note to self: If you think something is impossible, think back to 2 hours ago. It's probably a direct result of your actions.
    28. Afforess
      Is always amazed at how utterly bad some plugin dev's are at handling other people. It's like they want to burn credibility...
    29. LuckyMonkey
      Hey I was wondering If minecart mania can support block subtypes, I thought it would make a lot more sense if there was a setup such as. Green wool boosts minecarts, Yellow wool slows minecarts, red wool stops minecarts, black wool bounces them.

      Very sad to find out I couldn't have a setup like this. Is this something I can look foward to in a new release?

      Thanks very much
      1. Afforess
        Possibly, the real problem is that I need to write an entire way to parse subtypes, there is no default one I can use.
        Feb 21, 2011
      2. LuckyMonkey
        Awww, That is a shame. Well think on it and keep us posted.
        Feb 21, 2011
    30. Afforess
      Asks himself, do people even read the things they post, or just blindly copy and paste and hope for an answer?
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    Michigan, USA
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    [talking about new MC API]
    [13:40:49] <Grum> I personally do not see much benefit in making it opensource at this moment
    [13:42:03] <Grum> you dont need to opensource to have the community
    [13:42:06] <Grum> see Bukkit