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Michigan, USA

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Member, Male, from Michigan, USA

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Afforess was last seen:
Sep 15, 2014
    1. meggawatts
    2. BCN3000
      is there any chance u could help me install this for my bukkit server and the one for the people on the server like help me or make a tutorial video. Thx.
      P.S. I was using this so i could enable player edit on my server. Thx
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Afforess
        Much. People will basically just have to keep clicking next on an installer, and it will do everything. They don't have to know anything about mods.
        Jul 1, 2011
      3. BCN3000
        this wont effect any of my other plugins will it?
        Jul 1, 2011
      4. Afforess
        It should not.
        Jul 1, 2011
    3. Teckwiz
      Sorry for the stupid question, but where can you find BukkitContrib plugins?
      1. Afforess
    4. fullwall
      3,333 posts - nice!
      1. Afforess
        Heh. And I'm user 42, too!
        Jun 26, 2011
    5. BigRenegade
    6. II_Zero_II
      Hey if you know, can you tell me how to change the default block ID's, im using a mod to get infinite items in a box, but trying to get 35:15 aka Black wool doesnt work. the setup of the mod requires a sign to say: line1 - [infchest]
      line2- ItemID:#ofitems so everytime i put 35:15:64 it fills the box with stacks of 15 regular wool aka 35....i jst want infinite Black Wool QQ
    7. cris kevin
      cris kevin
      But hey is it ok that i test citizens and if i find issues i can edit them or give feedback to you?
      i have found some issues already with guards
      1. Afforess
        I'm not a developer for Citizens - post on their thread.
        Jun 5, 2011
    8. cris kevin
      cris kevin
      Is it ok that i try to help people at forums ?
      1. Afforess
        Jun 5, 2011
    9. matthayez011
      matthayez011 Is it possible to make a plugin that makes say a glass block look like glass to an admin but to a normal player look like stone?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. matthayez011
        whats the name of that plugin? cause that could work too
        Jun 4, 2011
      3. Afforess
        I was just playing on a server, no idea what the plugin was called. Ask @Kainzo, he was running the test server I was on.
        Jun 4, 2011
      4. matthayez011
        alright thanks!
        Jun 4, 2011
    10. Afforess
      You can break integer math in java. Awesome, this is so my next April Fool's joke:
      1. Bone008 and Walker Crouse like this.
    11. sfxworks
      1. Afforess likes this.
    12. matthayez011
      could you possibly make it so that you can control a minecart using that arrow keys but without having to be on a track so that its kind of like a car
      1. Afforess
        It's impossible to detect key presses from the server ATM, so no. Sorry.
        May 18, 2011
      2. matthayez011
        What about the same thing but, with a boat
        May 18, 2011
    13. kolby monson
      kolby monson
      can you get a cart on side of a chest to pick something up and a cart on the other side to drop it off i want to make a sorting thing that has more storage behind it in the next room
      1. Afforess
    14. Afforess
      Turns out you can change the value of a final field in Java. Mind = Blown.
      1. Tux2
        lol, doesn't final only mean that you can't override that value in any subclasses?
        May 25, 2011
      2. Tux2
        override the variable is what I meant.
        May 25, 2011
      3. Afforess
        final means that once the variable has been initialized, it can never be set again.

        final int range = 5; //valid
        int x = range*range; //valid. can use final variables for math
        range = 7; //invalid, can not change final variable

        It's used for optimization, since the compiler knows ahead of time what it is. Anyway, with reflection, you can still change the value. Hence Mind = Blown.
        May 25, 2011
    15. BigRenegade
      The guy who was having trouble with the minecarts duplicating, I think I found the problem. It is not in your MM plug-ins but with the MM Teleport plug-in. It is creating a new cart when teleporting but it is not deleting the old one. Hence, the minecarts keep increasing. I ran into this just a few moments ago when I was creating a teleport section in a tunnel.
      1. BigRenegade
        What then happens is you end up with 4 minecarts total. 2 at each sign. So it is NOT YOUR plug-in but MM Teleport that is the problem.
        May 14, 2011
    16. Ne0nx3r0
      1. Afforess
        Awesome! (Sir) Ian Mckellen is a total badass, even in 3-d.
        May 13, 2011
    17. BigRenegade
      Afforess, I need your help. I was testing my server this morning and had no trouble logging in with a client that doesn't go through notch. Suddenly this afternoon I can't even log in to my server without golng through his server. I'm wondering if you know of any issue with anyone else having trouble logging into their server with this issue.
      1. Afforess
        None, sorry.
        May 11, 2011
      2. BigRenegade
        No prob. I found the cause. Very stupid little thing that cause me a whole lot of grief. For some reason my server properties file got reset and online mode = true. Just give me a swift kick lol
        May 11, 2011
    18. BigRenegade
      One thing of note: As mentioned about disability. When I finally receive it, you will most certainly receive a donation from me. If I could do so now I would, but no work and 3 kids makes it difficult to just get by, for now. The future is an unknown but if and when things turn my way (hopefully soon) I will be doing what I can to assist you through donations
    19. dorrax
      How do I stop minecarts from damaging mobs when they collide on the tracks? Can I use a sign or OP command, or will I need to get to the config files? I am an OP on a server, but not the admin. I wanted to move monsters from a spawner, but they are just killed as soon as they touch the cart.
      1. Afforess
        It's in the config files.
        May 6, 2011
      2. dorrax
        May I suggest you add a sign command for deactivating cart damage? Like CartDamageOff? And all carts that pass by will no longer damage mobs for a short time?
        May 6, 2011
      3. Afforess
        May 6, 2011
    20. Dragendave
      Could it be, that the "Announce Sign Comande is actually defect?

      All my Announce Signs are not showing text, and if they do, they dont't break the line (!)

      Pls help ^^'
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dragendave
        May 6, 2011
      3. Dragendave
        Ps.: I didn't spelled it wrong (Announce)

        That was just a show-off mistake.. sry ^^'
        May 6, 2011
      4. Afforess
        Yeah, I see the bug, thank you for pointing it out. It will be fixed for the next release.
        May 6, 2011
    21. NVX
      Sorry for cross posting, but I want to make sure you find out as soon as possible - current version of MM is causing chunk 0,0 to disappear entirely in the save file - reproducible as long as MM is active, disabling MM 'fixes' the issue. Check the thread for more information.
      1. Afforess
        Already aware. Alpha test build is on page 244
        May 6, 2011
    22. Afforess
      Good lord, 3 requests for personal server plugins in 1 day. You'd think I got on some mailing list by mistake...
    23. DirktheJerk
      I just wanted to say, your minecartmania plugin has been a cornerstone to my server since the first day I updated to bukkit.

      I have been chronicling the coasters themselves via youtube here:

      but if you wanted to check out the coasters for yourself, feel free to come to the server at:
      1. Afforess likes this.
    24. Afforess
      Why does bad code happen to good people?
      1. niftyapple, Cybran and MonsieurApple like this.
    25. rpg877
      How are people getting minecart mania to work with 733? it sais on your mine cart mania thread that it only works with 700 - 734
      1. Afforess
        700-734 means it's been tested with 700-734, inclusively. So 701, 702, 703...etc work. Even higher builds may work, but YMMV.
        Apr 27, 2011
    26. BigRenegade

      I use the CbutD plugin which did have links for Minecart Mania. However, when I started the server this morning it couldn't get a link to dropbox to check for an update. I was wondering if this was because they had been removed, or if you have them done due to currently adding updates.
      1. Afforess
        All the links should be fine, perhaps you had an issue on your end?
        Apr 20, 2011
      2. BigRenegade
        Yeah it was my end. I forgot about having Peerblock running and the dropbox is one of the sites they have on the not allowed list. I simply disabled it and the updates downloaded.
        Apr 20, 2011
    27. Afforess
      I almost have MM ready for MC 1.5!
    28. rpg877
      this is a reply to my last post:

      they dont even stop when they go off the rails they just keep on going untill they hit something and even then you can tell they are still trying to move just cant because theres something in their way.
    29. rpg877
      I cant get the pressure plates in minecraftmania to stop people at intersections so then they can click the direction they want to go.
      1. Afforess
        Apr 15, 2011
    30. sararayne
      1. Afforess
        Huh. I have a big list of things to debug today, I'll add that to them. Thanks for letting me know.
        Apr 15, 2011
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    Michigan, USA
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    [talking about new MC API]
    [13:40:49] <Grum> I personally do not see much benefit in making it opensource at this moment
    [13:42:03] <Grum> you dont need to opensource to have the community
    [13:42:06] <Grum> see Bukkit