I don't bother with this on my server. When we die and go to main spawn, we just use the Essentials /back command to go back to where we died and...
That could be, I run a lot of plugins on my server. Possibly Essentials?
Without any grief prevention/rollback plugins, you really can't. You'll have to spawn him a new one.
Sounds like a permissions issue. What group are you in after you are de-opped, and is it the same group that regular users are in?
Seriously? The answer is change your operating system?
I'd look at your Multiverse inventories config. Make sure your default world is in the groups.yml file.
I just tried this out of curiosity, and I was able to use the /give command to give a 322:1, and I also tried using /give enchantedgoldenapple and...
I use NoPortals plugin. It will allow people to build the portals, but not ignite them, and won't block flint use anywhere else.
I have found an exploit in Hyperconomy that anyone running this plugin should know about. There is a line in the config file that says:...
Did anything come of this? I am looking for a way to turn nameplates off in a pvp world.
Is there a simple item display plugin that ONLY displays items and does nothing else? I am looking for a replacement for the now dead plugins...
Will this plugin be updated to 1.4.7? I'm running version 2.1, which states it's for MC 1.3.1 R2, which is quite a bit outdated...
Yes, but to enable the mob finder, cave finder, etc you need to change the MOTD on the server, as per the instructions. That's what I need to...
How do you disable the proximity hider? It only has numeric values in the config file.
No, but you can configure each NIC card separately on your server. Use static IPs, and assign a different one to each card.
Separate names with a comma.