Tabbing really comes in handy to know if you're missing }'s or not. You've got sender.sendMessage tabbed and then below that everything is missing...
The tabbing is really awkward to read, but at any time when the command reaches it's final state you should return true, in this case after...
I've changed the Player instances to UUID's, this may fix it but I'm not exactly sure package yourpackage; import java.util.ArrayList; import...
Just wondering why is it using "String [] args" rather than a single string? If it's to do with chat you would use an AsyncPlayerChatEvent and get...
For good practice you shouldn't store the username either since they'll be changable soon, you should store the UUID
I've never actually tried anything like this but try doing p.closeInventory() and then opening your custom inventory, this is assuming that the...
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R3.entity.CraftVillager cannot be cast to org.bukkit.entity.Player at...
You should probably post the errors as well so we will be able to help you
I'm not sure :/ That's the way I normally do it and when I put that in eclipse I didn't get any errors, didn't think about him checking to see if...
No, I use eclipse, if you prefer something else that's your choice but don't push it on other people. Thanks, that helped me find it :)
Try declaring Player p = event.getPlayer() before the itemstack then for the itemstack use ItemStack is = p.getInventory().getItemInHand();
I've already made like 5 different plugins, I know how to make them and they work fine, I said I need to know how to make CRAFTbukkit a...
I found a tutorial about how to use the boss health bar but it requires sending packets and all I could get to do that is craftbukkit code, any...
You need the parenthesis/brackets/whatever people call them at the end of getUniqueId so It's getUniqueId() playerXp.put(p.getUniqueId(),...
I'm trying to make a jukebox type thing, when people type /jukebox it opens an inventory with all the discs and when they click one it plays that...
Separate names with a comma.