Can you make a video on this?
I cant want to turn into a enderman.
Glitch: When you are a chicken and you look up the chicken looks down. if the you look down the chicken looks up.
the spout doesn't do anyhing. Please make a install video.
there is 3 possible that my server keeps crashing after I do some commands. 1 my server has to many plug in. 2 bukkitcontrib fails me (I never...
Aw. Ok :(
Im going to test. Nothing. Can you please fix it. Thank you
Why wont they fight D;
is this updated
FINALY A GOBLIN! fizzelfel?
How do you know if u have one! And why is the config/servergolbins yml and databasefile emty?? Do i just put stuff in the config from...
ok does it say anything when it tames? like Chicken is now your pet?
nope... I think I just did something wrong.. I'l cheek. ok in the petcreeper file. it says pets in text document... nothing in it... second....
ik but I right click the mob with a pacific item and it dose nothing. and I press "q" to see if i can feed it and nothing happens :( did I do...
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