Try these for reference:
I'm not 100% sure... but I think that it thought that you were trying to cast (false) to an object...
DamnHippo You can use this as a reference in the future:
Are you sure that your plugin ever gets to the else in that first if? Are you sure that the default inventory is called inventory, if it's...
No, you cannot without creating your own help menu based off of the original bukkit open source, but specifically recolor your command. Aengo No,...
SnelleFrikandel Schaakmatth .
If you want config help, use this for ideas: clans: clan1: members: {$uuid}: displayName: 1Achmed1 prefix: TehBeest...
Try it with out the parenthesis around false... Also, the whole code would be useful, even if it's on github :)
This should not be in Plugin Development. You should post a ticket or put it on the forum of the plugin page here:...
What does it matter if he can see them if he can't say anything in the first place?
You cannot use String like that. It would be getConfig().getString("launchBlock"); Sorry, my bad. EDIT: And that returns \t, which is a tab.
I would, but I don't remember what it's called. I want to say WorldProtect, but it isn't...
try if(!player.getInventory().getBoots() == null){}
HA! One of your aliases is "ho" :D
That only works if they have boots....
Separate names with a comma.