Rotate objects?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by geqoo, Feb 27, 2012.

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    Hi everone!

    I have a little problem with the rotation with WorldEdit.
    I want to rotate an object to the y axis. For example I have a lying object -> x x x and I want to rotate it that it stands:

    Anyone knows how I can do that? WorldEdit seems only to rotate at the x and the z axis, not the y one.
  2. Offline


    select the area.
    type //cut (DON'T MOVE!)
    type //rotate 90 (for 90 degrees rotation)
    type //paste
  3. Offline


    Yep you did not read my post correctly. This rotating works but I want to rotate it to the Y AXIS !!! & That doesn't work.
  4. Offline


    If the world edit docs don't have it, you can't do it..
  5. Offline


    I read it extra carefully, when thinking about that y axis thingie. I thought you meant it how its in default. In this case my solution would work.
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