[CHAT/MISC] [INACTIVE] LoginLogout - Custom login and logout messages! [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by omnee, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. Offline


    The Login and Logout Alerts
    Version: 0.4.1

    Hi guys... I finaly figured out +/- how to make plugins for bukkit and i did this one JUST FOR TESTING, I know that Bukkit has already added the Login and Logout messages, but, I made this plugin just to figure it out, and since I am now figuring out how this works I swear that I will update this plugin many times until it becomes a great plugin!

    Bukkitdev Page:



    • Login + Logout Alert
    • Op's Login + Logout Alert
    • Config.yml to costumize the alerts
    • Removes the default bukkit alerts
    • Coloured Alerts
    • Show the world where the player logged in (can set to true or false in the config.yml)
    • Use full commands
    To do:
    • Different alerts for users/groups
    • Permissions support
    • 0.1 - Basic Login + Logout Alerts (Says - "name" has joined/left the game to all players)
    • 0.1.1 - Basic Op/NoOp Login + Logout Alerts (When Op's login it now says - Op "name" has ... and when a normal player logs in it says - "name" has... (without Op))
    • 0.2 - Config,yml for costume messages and removes default bukkit alerts
    • 0.2.1 - Now you can add colours using default bukkit colours on the config file (colours that start with &, ex: &f(white) and &c(red)
    • 0.3 - Now when someone logs in / out it shows the world where the player logged in, can set to true or to false in the config.yml file.
    • 0.4 - Now you can set the config using commands (op only commands)
    • 0.4.1 - Fixed some bugs
    • changeplayerlogin - For op's only, changes the player login message
    • changeoplogin - For op's only, changes the op login message
    • changeplayerlogout - For op's only, changes the player logout message
    • changeoplogout - For op's only, changes the op logout message
    • changeplayerprefix - For op's only. changes the player prefix
    • changeopprefix - For op's only, changes the op prefix
    • changedefault - For op's only, changes all settings to default
    • loginlogout - For op's only, shows all available commands
    Never coming:
    • Works with 1.8, tested by Kirbyflys and pwnzerama


    • stelar7 (Fixing many errors/bugs and told me how to make config)
    • Become Plugin Developer [ ]
    • 500 Downloads [X]
    • 750 Downloads [X]
    • 1000 Downloads [X]
    • 50 Thumbs up [ ]
    • 100 Thumbs up [ ]
    Flipsen, Cheesety210 and MrMagePk like this.
  2. Offline


    What does it say when someone logs out/in?
  3. Offline


    "name" has joined the game
    "name" has left the game

    can you please rate it for 1st plugin :D?
    2/10 xD? (i cant except more noticing that your plugins are 100 times mine :confused:)

    New update 20 mins after release LOL :D

    0.1.1 - Basic Op/NoOp Login + Logout Alerts (When Op's login it now says - Op "name" has ... and when a normal player logs in it says - "name" has... (without Op))

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  4. Offline


    That's the default. This isn't a real plugin, and you didn't follow the guideline. Sorry, I have to reject this. (If I was mod, I would lock this and move on.)
    Liam Allan likes this.
  5. Offline


    Congrads on Bukkit development. I love the idea, make sure to keep it up though. You need to prove people like Jake232 wrong. Just change the title to this: [CHAT/MISC] LoginLogout - Custom login and logout messages! [1060]. You need to have the categories and Bukkit version, also remove the (My first plugin). As for the post, bold the headers.
  6. Offline


    This is on "Hello World" Level, But Thats ok.
    This really does nothing though, It does the EXACT same thing the default one does..
    Except it say's Op when an Op joins....
    I mean, Good luck :)

    You should really update it a few times before posting, and add a few more features.
    Also, Just do Hello World to learn lol
  7. Offline


    Thanks for the motivation x.x, now I wanna make my plugin even better :D

    How do i change my topic name just btw :D?
    edit: found out how to ty anyway ;D

    Man, no need to be rude at me, it's my 1st plugin and as I said I am gonna upgrade it, I am sure that your 1st plugin wasn't great also ;(

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  8. Offline


    My first "Public" plugin, was InstaBreaker
    They are kinda in a diff league lol
    I have been coding for a long time though >.>
  9. Offline


    nooo! i didnt said that you didnt had to be rude to me to u mrchasez I said it to Jaker :D

    and what about the Hello World? what is hello world? I am not getting it
  10. Offline


    I wasn't rude D";

    If you want, Ill break some java code
    and to help you learn, your have to fix it :)
  11. Offline


    Nooo your not rude, Jaker was, but yes i would realy enjoy a bit of java help :D
    msn/skype? or we talk in bukkit conversation?
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    Well, HTML, PHP, and CSS are easy, I've done them for years, if you need help tell me.
    Kohle likes this.
  14. Offline


    0.2 - Config,yml for costume messages and removes default bukkit alerts
    dont forget to read credits stelar7 put a lot on this update aswell :D(fixed bugs/errors and told me how to do config)

  15. Offline


    I caved in and bought a layout for $114 >.<
  16. Offline


    If you buy a template, you shouldn't even own a website.
  17. Offline



    Use's it too.

    What does that even mean?
  18. Offline


    That's not my point, if you own a website, put work into it and make it yourself. If you buy a template, you shouldn't own a website, nor own a computer.
  19. Offline


    My server runs on a system 100% made by me, We run 7 plugins made by me, My forums is 100% made by me, My public plugins are made 99% by me, My Updates all made by me, plus going to college and working full time.

    Not having the time to fully learn HTML and code a good looking website that i can put up in a week..
    Thats terrible!
  20. Offline


    Oooh amazing. Especially considering my servers run custom Apache, on a custom Linux core and distro. Especially when the forums are custom, thats so hard. Really? the plugins? Because every plugin here is just a copy and paste, just like my HerobrineUnleashed is obviously CellMod. Wow, really? My updates are by me too! Amazing! College, no way! Me too, full time? Wow, thats so original to the billions of people in this world.
  21. Offline


    This made my Trololololololol
  22. Offline


    ehhh just a question but can you please please please have your conversation in a bukkit conversation :D
    and just btw... are you gonna rate my plugin or not :p?

    New update, 0.2.1 now you can add colours using default bukkit colours on the config file (colours that start with &, ex: &f(white) and &c(red)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  23. Offline


    Not be that guy but HTML and CSS and PhP, like steaks4sause said, are probably the easiest ;)
  24. Offline


    can u pls rate my plugin... -.-?
    every1 that posts here is talking about HTML CSS and PhP and no1 rated my plugin yet... This is annoying :D xD

    New update: 0.3 - Now when someone logs in / out it shows the world where the player logged in, can set to true or to false in the config.yml file.

    MAKE SURE YOU DELETE YOUR LoginLogout Folder before getting the new version in your server so it doesnt get any problem with the conifgs!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016
  25. Offline


    Firstly, I'm not gonna be a total dick like steaks4uce, but HTML and CSS were the first programming languages I learned, so if you ever need any help with it, PM me and I'll try to help. Nice job learning Java before HTML though o_o.

    Back to the topic, omnee, nice first plugin, much better than my first one (which didn't even work, besides displaying the name when you pulled a plugin list). I'm trying to learn Java atm, since I need a change from C and C++, so do you mind if I use this plugin (I will NOT upload a copy of it, ever), to see how to make this? I plan on making one for my server, but I won't upload it here, there's already too many better ones :p
  26. Offline


    so... do u want the codes of it? the main and the playerlistener?
  27. Offline


    Actually don't worry, I found a couple of decent plugin tutorials.

    Thanks anyway
  28. Offline


    I would like to see custom login and out messages per player, stored in a flatfile or db (MySQL et al).
    So "
    produces: The owner, and your benefactor, the one, the only, the possibly insane... Raniy has joined the world
    on my Login.

    You get the idea.

    Also Permissions support
    IE CustomLogin.ChangeLogin

    Do it or no 'Quality' server will use your plugin.

    I like it as a first project. Now do what all great programmers do and make a version 2 with way more features then you should have tried implementing at once. :)
  29. Offline


    It's nice that's for sure, try to add more features though. They aren't going to promote you until your plugin sets apart from the rest.
  30. Offline


    i will try to add more features... and I am also thinking in making a new plugin

    I can do permission nodes if you tell me how to XD

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2016

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