Inactive [TP/HOME/WARP] Waypoint v1.6.4(beta)- Teleportation points, home, spawn, and warp management. [1609]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by miyoko, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. Offline




    Waypoint - simple teleportation point and home/spawn/warp management plugin:
    Version: v1.6.4 beta


    *New in 1.6: modular command hookins, reworked command system, SuperPerms, ????*

    Waypoint is an easy teleportation point management and home location
    management plugin. You can create teleportation points to go back to later
    as well as share privately with other users. You can also create public warps that only certain groups of users can access.

    Waypoint's Features:
    • Add/delete waypoints for later access
    • List all of your waypoints simply
    • Share your points privately with other users
    • Points are private, and only accessable by you, unless shared
    • Multiworld support
    • Permissions/SuperPerms/OP support with strict nodes.
    • Home location management
    • Home location is automatically set to the bed you last exited (only if enabled in config.)
    • Create and manage public warps
    • Control which groups of users can access these warps
    • Save/Load the spawn points for all of your worlds
    • Selective showing of warps (you only see what you can access.)
    • Teleport easily between worlds
    • Create and import other worlds
    • Create and teleportation signs to travel to warps or world spawnpoints
    Download: JAR | SRC
    Development build (bleeding edge): JAR
    Integrity (CI): Waypoint project

    If you like my work, please consider sending a dollar or two my way so my little development company can pay for a server to do work and testing on :)

    For those of you that want to contribute, or even just watch progress get made on this, check this out:

    Phabricator: Source Code/Collaboration

    • /wp add <name> -- add a waypoint to your list
    • /wp del <name> -- remove a waypoint form your list
    • /wp tp <point> -- teleport to your point
    • /wp invite <player> <point> -- send an online player an invite to your point
    • /wp accept <point> -- accept an invite to a point
    • /wp decline <point> -- decline an invite to a point
    • /wp list -- list of all of your points
    • /home -- teleport to your home
    • /home set -- set your current location to your home
    • /spawn [world] -- teleport to the world's spawn point
    • /spawnadmin <save|load> [world] -- save or load the spawn point of the specified world
    • /spawnadmin set -- set the spawn point of your current world
    • /warp [warpname] -- teleport to the specified warp, if you have access
    • /warp add <warpname> -- create a public warp with the default permissions
    • /warp del <warpname> -- delete a warp you own
    • /warp set <warpname> <owner|permission|or a custom value> <newvalue> -- set property values in the warp's metadata
    • /warp list -- list all warps that *YOU* have access to
    • /warpadmin <set|del> <warp> [key] [value]
    • /tp <player> [target] -- teleport to another player, or teleport one player to another.
    • /tphere <player> -- ejects the target from a vehicle (if applicable) and teleports that player to you.
    • /tploc <x,y,z> -- teleport to a set of coordinates.
    • /world [worldname|create|import|list] -- displays what world you are in and your current position, or if given a worldname, teleports you to that worlds spawn.
    Installation and Configuration:
    Download the jar file and drop it into your minecraft server's plugins/
    folder and reload/restart the server. The configuration will be
    automatically created for you.

    Teleportation Signs:
    To create a teleportation sign, you must format it like this:
    Line 1: [WP:WARP] or [WP:WORLD]
    Line 2: world name or warp name
    Line 3: (optional) description # maybe economy cost at some point soon
    Line 4: (optional) description
    It is case insensitive btw.

    Configuration options:
    'set_home_at_bed': set this to true if you want your home to be reset
    whatever bed you get out of.
    'autoupdate': check for updates and download upgraded jars automatically
    'warp.groups': permission groups for warps
    'warp.string': message sent to user after teleporting to a warp, %w is warpname, %p is playername
    'limits': self-explanatory.

    Permissions Nodes: (should each be self-explanatory)
    • waypoint.basic.add
    • waypoint.basic.delete
    • waypoint.basic.teleport
    • waypoint.basic.invite
    • waypoint.basic.invite.accept
    • waypoint.basic.invite.decline
    • waypoint.basic.list
    • waypoint.debug.config_node_test << debugging *ONLY*
    • waypoint.home -- you *must* add this if you want to be able to use home commands
    • waypoint.home.set
    • waypoint.home.set_on_bed_leave
    • waypoint.admin.spawn
    • waypoint.admin.spawn.set
    • waypoint.admin.spawn.load
    • waypoint.admin.warp
    • waypoint.teleport.teleport -- for general teleportation actions
    • waypoint.teleport.location -- for coordinate-based teleportation
    • -- for teleporting players to you
    • waypoint.spawn -- you *must* add this if you want to be able to use spawn commands
    • waypoint.warp -- you *must* add this if you want to be able to use warps
    • -- you *must* add this if you want to be able to use /world
    •<worldname> -- more info on this below
    • waypoint.warp.access.<permission category>
    • waypoint.warp.create
    • waypoint.warp.delete
    • waypoint.warp.list
    • waypoint.sign.warp
    • waypoint.cost_exempt.teleport -- teleports do not cost a single dime.
    Known Bugs:
    • Set home at bed is not disabling, ever. Currently looking into it. T3
    If you find a problem, report it at Github.

    Permissions Setup:
    Here is a sample Permissions 2.7.4 configfile with Waypoint's nodes already set up, and a user set up to give an example. Change it to your liking.

    << Thanks Pr0Failure :D

    World Access
    As of about 1.6.1, I added a few new things that implement a whole "world access" type schema of features. Players will NEVER be able to access a world unless they have the "<worldname>" or "*" permissions. I will add a configuration option to disable this, but for now, it's always on. If you want to effectively disable it without a config option and your permissions system supports inheritance, simply place the "*" node at the lowest level and it should filter up through everything that inherits that or its children. I only added this because I felt it would be handy in the case of servers wanting to prevent griefing in creative worlds, but leaving whitelisting off, and just spawning all new users in the spawn world, but not letting them traverse your minecraft universe of worlds. There will be a config option to turn this off soon. By the way, if you didn't catch the gist of what I was really saying, this prevents ALL teleporting between worlds (only if you don't have the permissions for that world) no matter what you use to teleport. This catches events at a low level and checks each user's permissions as they change worlds. But enough about this.

    Bugs and Errors
    If you get a "An internal error has occurred" message when you use a command, * PROVIDE A TRACEBACK PLEASE. * (hint: a traceback is the error code in the server console that shows the error and its callers)
    And for those of you that didn't read this text, maybe this image will catch your attention:


    • Fix PermissionsEx not being detected correctly.
    • Rewrite command structure again with sk89q's command framework.
    • Add configuration options to disable various things.
    • Clean up core support code (me.pirogoeth.Waypoint.Core.*)
    • OpenAuth integration in the future?
    Version 1.6:
    • Completely rewrote the command parser from the ground up.
    • Added SuperPerms support
    • Split commands apart into categories (much cleaner for anyone who works through the code)
    • (Supposedly) Fixed NPE from LoadWorlds during plugin load.
    Version 1.5:
    • Rewrote the configuration loader and put it in its own class
    • Restructured config storage
    • Added new warp limitations
    • Added an autoupdater
    Version 1.4.5
    • Fixed warp permission loading and detection
    Version 1.4.4
    • Fixed the internal errors spewed on /warp set
    Version 1.4.1
    • Removed some unneeded imports
    • Removed some unused variables
    • Now using String.format in checkperms
    Version 1.4
    • Added warp management
    • Restructured most of the config file formatting.
    • Homes-per-world (you can have one home per world now.)
    • Added spawn management
    • Added backup/restore of world spawn points
    Version 1.3
    • Added home support
    • Fixed configuration node bugs
    Version 1.1
    • Added invite support
    Version 1.0
    • Wrote all base code
    And some thanks.
    Definitely got some big thanks here, especially to Pr0Failure, who been testing the crap out of this, even during its magical beta stages. And some more thanks to all of you that put up with me not being around for weeks on end due to school. And thanks to others who at one point sent in a pull request to fix something I had missed. I love you all, you're a very supportive community :) Also, some big thanks to Ctark who's been following this like crazy and even digging through my messy code to find nodes to help others while I'm not around :) Again, THANK YOU ALL <3
  2. Offline


    I believe this is already an idea for a future version.

    Is there a node for the world tele's? If not I'll update now.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  3. Offline


    That would be great if it is.
    Figured out signs, I was just an idiot and missunderstood the sign's layout.... :D
    Any thoughts on making signs able to use waypoints aswell.
    say instead of world or warp, you use waypoint on line2 or something..... just a thought, would be cool to see.
  4. Offline


    I'm currently contemplating that, as it is a pretty good idea. I'll be thinking about this when I decide on what to add in to 1.6.

    Permissions node for world teleports? You mean like, for /world?

    I've thought of that, and its easily doable. I'll drop it into 1.6 when I even get more time to work on Waypoint.
    Ctark likes this.
  5. Offline


    Exactly that.

    Found it in the op. Updating sometime today.

    Fool, are there nodes for sign usage? Once I get this info I can make a new vid with the new features.

    Also, can you add paging to /warp list. Someone as the highest group (myself) there's too many warps to view on one page of the chat box.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  6. Offline


    Not yet, I think.

    I'll try to figure out how to do paging...@-@
  7. Offline


    xD ask around on the dev section.
  8. Offline


    I looked at the source of a plugin that uses paging :p Maybe I can figure out a way to implement this easily sometime soon. It'll have to wait a while because of school though..:/
  9. Offline


    Np, I've got time... Kind of.
  10. Offline


    I have no clue, how does this work...
  11. Offline


    If you watched the video you'd get some sort of idea.

    Yo dood. I gotz an errorz. Whenever someone places a sign, I get this in the console.

    [SEVERE] Could not pass event SIGN_CHANGE to Waypoint
    java.lang.ClassCastException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.block.CraftBlockState cannot be cast to org.bukkit.block.Sign
        at me.pirogoeth.Waypoint.Events.BlockEventListener.onSignChange(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet130UpdateSign.a(SourceFile:41)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
    miyoko likes this.
  12. Offline


    That is so freaking weird. I've been testing the link signs for about 2-3 weeks and that hasn't happened to me..I'll take a quick look.

    Edit: There may be an easy solution to this. Try disabling Spout completely. That may or may not fix the problem.
  13. Offline


    Thing is I need Spout for a very important plugin lol.
  14. Offline


    I Can't find the 159 it says its updating then it fails what do i do or where is 159!?
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    i have a problem
    when i start my bukkit server i get
    yet when i use the server and the /wp function it works the way i expected it to
    whats going on?
    what did i miss?
  17. Offline


    Also, you should update the title for [1060].

    Also I got the same error as the above dude.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  18. Offline


    same thing here
  19. Offline


    Yeah, have this error too, but all is working perfectly. ^^

    But I have no worries, maybe the author just mistyped something :p
  20. Offline


    i would just like to know for sure
  21. Offline


    This plugin seems very confusing if you're using the new bukkit permissions system. Is there an easy way to add support for it? I guess I'm a little lost on the point of having permissions also set in the waypoint config.yml AND the permissions config?
  22. Offline


    As of right now there's no SuperPerms support. As for the permissions in the config.yml, that's only to set the groups of which the nodes have to be set in the actual permissions plugin.
  23. Offline


  24. Offline


    At the moment, I am currently working on SuperPerms support (it appears to be super easy from what I can tell), and also doing some testing. I'm pretty sure I've fixed the NullPointerException that didn't have checked, I'm not sure about @Pr0Failure's class cast exception, it works fine for me, even with Spout.

    Guys, I need some ideas for 1.6. LETS HEAR THEM :)!
  25. Offline


    Paging of warps (and waypoints) for servers who have x9001 warps
    Environment support for /world create (along with skylands support)
    Warp players to select warp e.g. /warplayer <player> <warp>
    Have /tploc use spaces to separate coords instead of commas. ex. /tploc 50 50 51
    Configuration of "Welcome to <warp> <user>" such as edit the string, or enable/disable, possibly by warp also so that each would be possible to say something different.

    And that's all that I can think of for now :p
  26. Offline


    1: That's already on my todo, and I gave it some more thought earlier...I'll figure it out. [?]
    2: I think I've already done this..? (/world create asdf skylands) [DONE]
    3: Seems like a good idea. (/warp remote <player> <warp>) [DONE]
    4: I can do that. [DONE]
    5: I think that'd be easy enough. (%w for warp name, %p for player name?) [DONE]

    Here's a treat.
    Treat #2:
    15:30:19 [INFO] [Waypoint] Reading configurations.
    15:30:19 [INFO] [Waypoint] Configuration succesfully loaded.
    15:30:19 [INFO] [Waypoint] Using Bukkit SuperPerms, PermissionsBukkit detected.
    15:30:19 [INFO] [Waypoint] Enabled version 1.6
    15:30:19 [INFO] [Waypoint] Saved all configurations.
    15:30:19 [INFO] [Waypoint] Auto-update is disabled.
    15:30:19 [INFO] [Waypoint] Warps: loaded permission groups: Default, Mod, Admin
    15:30:19 [INFO] [Waypoint] Loaded properties for world: { adventure [ENV: NORMAL] }
    15:30:19 [INFO] [Waypoint] Loaded properties for world: { creative [ENV: NORMAL] }
    15:30:19 [INFO] [Waypoint] Loaded properties for world: { not_found [ENV: NORMAL] }
    15:30:19 [INFO] [Waypoint] Loaded properties for world: { skyforest [ENV: SKYLANDS] }
    15:30:19 [INFO] [Waypoint] Loaded properties for world: { destructive [ENV: SKYLANDS] }
    15:30:19 [INFO] [Waypoint] Loaded properties for world: { fallout [ENV: NORMAL] }
  27. Offline


    %w and %p sound easy enough for me :p
  28. Offline


    you said earlier you were thinking about per player / per group, limits for number of warps.
    Any idea if you are thinking of adding this for 1.6?
  29. Offline


    There's a possibility...
  30. Offline


    Is there a way to use this plugin with out having permissions plugin in and not have every one an op?
    I love this plugin and would like everyone on my server to be able to use it.
  31. Offline


    Everything is permission based. Sadly, the answer is no.

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