Inactive [TP] MyHome v2.3 [BukkitDev, 1.3.1-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Spathizilla, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. Offline


    MyHome v2.2
    Release Date: 1st March 2012
    Yes, MyHome 2.2 works on 1.2.3, Try it.

    Recommended Craftbukkit Build: 1.1-R4+

    Permissions Support:
    MyHome can use Permissions 2, Permissions 3, PermissionsEx, GroupManager, bPermissions, bPermissions2 plugins or the built-in SuperPerms to manage permissions and in some cases, user/group settings also.

    Economy Support:
    Supports iConony 4, iConomy 5, iConomy 6, BOSEconomy 6, BOSEconomy 7, EssentialsEco and MultiCurrency to allow charging for using MyHome commands. This is provided via Register

    Getting Help & Feature Requests:
    Please use the MyHome DevBukkit ticket system to report bugs and submit feature requests. There is also a forum where you can ask questions which are not ticket suitable.

    ChangeLog v2.2:

    Important: You will need to re-generate your config file as it has completely changed.
    • Fix: SuperPerms now correctly allows ops to run commands (when enabled)
    • Fix: Decreased the sensitivity of movement detection
    • R5: Updated to new event listeners
    • Localization: German Translations: Thanks to Maxs
    • Localization: Updated Russian Translations, Thanks to MisterFix
    • New feature: Only allow /home to be used within x blocks of their home point
    • Per user/group distance node: myhome.distance.home
    • New feature: Table name in the database can be changed
    • bPermssions 2 support
    • More cleanup and optimization
    • New config layout - remake your config! [New config.yml]
    New per user/group node:
    * myhome.distance.home - Maximum blocks away from their /home point that /home will work.

    Older changes (open)

    2.1b only: Fixed non PEx plugins failing because I am an idiot
    2.1a only: Fixed an NPE when using SuperPerms

    Important: Be sure to update the permissions if you allow players to bypass the economy costs.
    • A massive permissions overhaul to make things more reliable
      • bPermissions support added
      • SuperPerms support added
    • Feature Localizations (english, spanish and danish so far)
    • Feature: Some commands (like deleting homes) works via console
    • Bug Fix: Zero second timers no longer block in laggy servers
    • Bug Fix: Beds cannot /sethome if the user doesnt have that permission
    • Lots of cleanup (you wont see this bit).
    • Permission Change: Economy "free" permissions no longer included under myhome.home.*
    Permissions changes:
    (*) - Allow /sethome and /home usage for free
    ( - Allow /sethome usage for free
    ( - Allow /home usage for free

    Added /sethome which can be enabled in the config (Config: allowSetHome = false)
    The new /sethome uses the same permission as /home set so no extra permissions needed.
    Added a cooldown for setting the home position (Config: coolDownSetHome = 0)

    v1.9.4c - Unreleased (fixed with a symlink on the webserver):
    Fixed the update url going to lib/lib.

    Updated SQLite download urls.

    Added Manifests to JAR to fix lib issues

    Forked plugin from 1.9.3
    Fix for onPlayerJoin changes in Bukkit
    Sergey95, Hopium, Phaedrus and 3 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Good plugin, I've used it heaps of times on other people's servers.

    Only one problem though:
    When I try using it on my own server, I've enabled /sethome and /home set in the config file, but when I actually enter the command, it just tells me what it does. I'm running Permissions 3.1.5. Help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  3. Offline


    Hi, today I updated to RC1.

    I have found one bug - using /home <player_name> is case sensitive, so I can't use /home dawon, when I am Dawon etc...

    Otherwise beautiful plugin, and I especially appreciate MySQL support in RC.

    Thank you!

  4. Offline


    When this happens it is always a permissions issue. When you do a command, MyHome checks your permissions at that point and if it fails, it shows the help page. I don't know if I can do anything about it.

    Interesting... I'll look into this.
  5. Offline

    The Wizard

    I want to be able to have more homes.
    Can you add this to your plugin?
  6. Offline


    I will thank you, if one player can add more than 1 home (with specyfied name or number - I don't think that will be need more than 9-10) For me it's very good, that home teleport works from multiwords to right home (i think, that everybody should can set that like default home). How many homes should be configured by group in permission (I will use 3 or ex).
  7. Offline


    Isnt "multiple homes" in each world "with names" just a warp plugin? MyWarp will do exactly as you want.
  8. Offline


    Is there any way to charge for home warps?
  9. Offline


    if you were to implement multiple homes I would think just check the command vs what world they're in and send them to the home of that world, no need for names. MyWarp can do the rest if they want it I think
  10. Offline


    Then you'd risk not being able to go to your home in one world from another though. Also, how would the respawn know where to send you with multiple homes instead of just one? I don't understand the people constantly asking for multiple homes, we have the warp plugin to allow multiple points, MyHome is to set your home location, the place you want to go back to time and time again. One home is more than sufficient.
  11. Offline


    I wasn't saying I supported it, I was just giving my idea of how I would think it would work. I just use MyWarp for the rest of my 'homes' lol
  12. Offline


    Obviously 1 home isn't enough as you can see in the posts :)

    I really like this plug-in because it has permission support and iconomy support and if you would consider adding multiple homes it would be awesome :)
  13. Offline


    @ClowneN But it really is, the people who want more than one home are just bizarre in that there is already a fully functioning multi point system (MyWarp) available... Why ask Spath to turn this mod into a glorified warp plugin when we already have one of those?
  14. Offline


    I wouldn't want it to change. it'd add too much to this and defeat the purpose of going /home. If anything, I would just recommend using MyWarp for all the rest of the homes, and set the limit higher than default if you have lots of worlds. granted you'll have to remember the <name> of the warps, but making MyHome store multiple homes would make MyWarp less useful. That's not a good thing.

    if anything, I'd say this: have a /home and a /work lol. That way you can jump from your home to where you're working (building/mining/etc) easily enough. granted you can still do that with MyWarp but it'd be something to feed to the wolves
    khamseen_air likes this.
  15. Offline


    Well what I can see MyWarp doesn't have iconomy support :)
  16. Offline



    I am trying to figure out per-group/user cooldowns/warmups.

    I add the node to the user/group, but how exactly is the info node named that the plugin is looking for the time in?

    If I have this as a group:

        default: true
            prefix: '&2'
            suffix: '&f'
            build: true
        - myhome.timer.cooldown
    how would I add the cooldown time for that group? A cooldown: 5 node under info: ?
  17. Offline


    Put it in the info section after build: true as myhome.timer.cooldown: 5


    Could you let me know if the per group cooldowns work. I havent tested them to death yet.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
    GmK likes this.
  18. Offline


    It doesnt seem to for us.

    Permissions 3.1.6
    CB 935

    Excerpt groups.yml

            default: false
                prefix: '&f[&7Immigrant&f]&7'
                suffix: ''
                build: true
                rank: 10
                myhome.timer.cooldown: 180
                myhome.timer.warmup: 20
            inheritance: []
            - myhome.home.basic.*
    And my properties:

    coolDownNotify = true   #Whether or not players will be notified after they've cooled down
    additionalTime = true   #Should group/user timers be IN ADDITION to the global timers
    respawnToHome = true   #Whether or not players will respawn to their homes (false means to global spawn)
    bedsDuringDay = false   #Whether beds can be used to /sethome during the day without sleeping in them. bedsCanSethome enables using beds.
    bedsCanSethome = 0   #0 = Disabled, 1 = Using a bed will /sethome automatically, 2 = /sethome is disabled and can only be set by using a bed
    setHomeCost = 0   #Global: How much to charge the player for using /home set
    costByPerms = false   #Should costs be dictated by settings in a permissions plugin - Per user/group costs
    warmUpNotify = true   #Whether or not players will be notified after they've warmed up
    mySQLpass = ******   #MySQL Password (only if using MySQL)
    loadChunks = true   #Force sending of the chunk which people teleport to - default: false - Not recommended with other chunk loaders
    compassPointer = true   #Whether or not users' compasses point to home
    homeCost = 0   #Global: How much to charge a player for using /home
    additionalCosts = false   #Should group/user costs be IN ADDITION to the global costs
    mySQLuname = ***   #MySQL Username (only if using MySQL)
    usemySQL = true   #MySQL usage --  true = use MySQL database / false = use SQLite
    homesArePublic = false   #Should home warps be made public by default
    mySQLconn = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft   #MySQL Connection (only if using MySQL)
    adminsObeyWarmsCools = false   #Whether or not admins obey the WarmUp + CoolDown times (false means they don't)
    allowSetHome = true   #Whether MyHome should also watch for /sethome - This may cause conflicts with Essentials
    coolDownSetHome = 0   #The number of seconds between each use of /home set
    coolDown = 0   #The number of seconds between when users can go to a home
    eConomyEnabled = false   #Whether or not to hook into an eConomy plugin
    warmUp = 0   #The number of seconds after a user uses a home command before it takes them
    timerByPerms = true   #Should cooldown/warmup timers be dictated by settings in a permissions plugin - Per user/group
    Any ideas?

    Config based warmups/cooldowns work splendid.
  19. Offline


    Guess I need to test it more :(
  20. Offline


    Well maybe someone else can try - with Permissions there are so many variables where things can go funny.

    All else works with Permissions for me, so I do not think I set it up wrongly, but you never know!
  21. Offline


    Seems the method I told you is for GroupManager.

    For Permissions 3, the per group/per user timers and costs are defined as:
            cooldown: x
            warmup: x
            sethome: x
            home: x
            sethome: x
    For GroupManager, the per group/per user timers and costs are defined as:
        myhome.timer.cooldown: x
        myhome.timer.warmup: x
        myhome.timer.sethome: x
        myhome.costs.home: x
        myhome.costs.sethome: x
  22. Offline


    I'll test it tomorrow and let you know! Thanks for the info :)
  23. Offline


    Lovely. I hope it works.
  24. Offline


    Does this work on #953?
  25. Offline


    Hi @Spathizilla,

    with the SpawnX plugin, "tp-Home-after-dead" don't work.
    Can you fix this, because the pluginauthor isn't there?!
  26. Offline


  27. Offline


    I'm using RC1 on 935. I saw this in the log while I was stopping the server:

    Show Spoiler
    2011-07-01 19:31:55 [SEVERE] [MYHOME] Error on Connection close
    com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Communications link failure during rollback(). Transaction resolution unknown.
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
    at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.getInstance(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.rollback(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.realClose(
    at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.close(
    at me.taylorkelly.myhome.ConnectionManager.closeConnection(
    at me.taylorkelly.myhome.MyHome.onDisable(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugin(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.disablePlugins(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.stop(
    2011-07-01 19:31:55 [INFO] [MYHOME] MyHome 2.0 disabled
  28. Offline


    essentialsgroupmanager dosnt work with this permissions broken
  29. Offline


    Hello guys.

    Small request, or suggestion, about this plugin.

    Make the number of invitation you can send configurable.

    I like the feature of visiting more than your own home, yet users often use it as some glitch and /home anywhere to fast travel in the world.

    Making the amount of people you can invite limited and sending everyone's an invitation for travel convenience is over.

    As I've never post here and used this plugin for a while, I'll also thank you for it, it always worked perfectly and is my fav home plugin.
  30. Offline



    For me it works with Groupmanager and #953


    I've got an awsome Idea ;)
    Could you implement Spawn and setspawn in myhome (on/off toggle in config), would be great with the cooldown and warmup!
  31. Offline


    When players use the home-teleport of MyHome, NoCheat fires moving violation, returns them somewhere and then they suffocate in nothing (air). Atleast according to the deathmessage plugin.
    NoCheat v1.07 + MyHome 1.9.5 + CB#953
    Posting this to both threads.
    (Other teleports seem to work fine)

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