When player stops moving, he dies

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Zartixan, Aug 24, 2020.

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    I wanted to make a plugin so whenever the player stopped walking or running, he would die. The problem is I don't know how to do it, so I'd aprecciate any help provided!
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Zartixan Make a BukkitRunnable
    Loop over the players
    Get their velocity
    Turn the 3D thing into a single value (believe you can call .length)
    Kill if 0
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    @timtower how do I make a bukkit runnable and do those stuff in it?
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2020
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    @Zartixan Make an anonymous class of BukkitRunnable, then override the run() method and do whatever you want.
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  6. Hmm, maybe in the playermoveevent, put the player who moved in a hashmap as the key, and the value as the server current time in milliseconds/1000, and check in a runnable if the current time in milliseconds is the same as the player's value in the hashmap. use this: long time = System.currentTimeMillis()/1000; to get the current time in milliseconds. Im currently doing this, but when i turn it doesnt hurt the player :(. If anyone wants my code just task.
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    That'd be seconds, not milliseconds. You're dividing the milliseconds by 1000. :p Also, i believe the way @timtower mentioned is better.
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    PlayerMovementEvent fires when the player looks around also.

    You'd be better off checking the player's position every second and if his current position is different from his last position, you hurt him. If that is what you are going for.

    Of course, using velocity would be better.
  9. well, when i tried to use velocity it only fired on the Y axis unless im propelled on the X or Z, it sadly doesnt work when walking
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    @jumbledProgram just print all properties of velocity every second for yourself and walk around. See if you can determine how to do it from there.
  11. How would one go about doing this?
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    @jumbledProgram getVelocity returns a Vector, which is a list. So print every entry of the list with broadcastMessage.
  13. Oh i know how to find velocity, im wondering on how i can get a players position and compare it a few ticks later
  14. Offline


    Why do you need that?

    Btw, why are you hijacking this thread? :p
  15. oops probably should make a new thread haha
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    You do realize that they can't craft right? Like nothing can be done. I am not saying it is a bad idea just suggesting a simple cooldown like 5 sec.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    If it is a certain gamemode where keeping moving is the way to win then they don't need to craft.
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