Getting player exp after PlayerExpChangeEvent

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by colmalle, Aug 6, 2020.

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  1. Offline


    Is there any way of getting the player.getExp() and player.getLevel() after the event PlayerExpChangeEvent without waiting 1 tick? because changing the exp after 1 tick makes the exp bar flicker
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    Just calculate it by adding PlayerExpChangeEvent#getAmount() onto Player#getTotalExperience().

    Why would you do that when the event has a setAmount(int) method?
  3. Offline


    First of all the player#getTotalExperience() doesn't show the current amount of the player. It shows the total amount the player has collected. Second of all, I need the player level (Player#getLevel()) and the player's progression (Player#getExp()) after the amount was already added. And there is no Player#addExp(int amount)
  4. Offline


    Ah, that's my bad. I did find this thread though. You can also take a look at the wiki page.

    There's a giveExp(int) and a giveExpLevels(int).

    Btw, what are you trying to achieve?
  5. Offline


    I think that I can just give the amount to the player and then set the amount to 0.
  6. Offline


    Okay thank you
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2020
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  8. Offline


    Nah I just waited a tick and let it flicker. But I might need to do it in the future
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