Simple Max-Kills Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Xp10d3, May 12, 2020.

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    Hello! I asked a developer a few weeks back and he got some of this plugin done, so I'll be attaching the files.
    Plugin category: Misc
    Minecraft version: 1.15.2
    Suggested name: Dominator I guess.
    What I want:
    I want a plugin that tracks how many kills a player gets and upon joining a world for the first time (that is specified in the config file) teleports the player to a random location. You can probably check if the player has joined the world for the first time by checking if they are in the config file. This location HAS to be within a certain radius that can be specified in the config file as well. So similar to the gamemode UHC, a time can be specified as well in the config when the game ends OR an Admin with the permission node dominator.admin or dominator.endgame can do the the command /endgame to end the game. When the game ends, the plugin should check how many kills each player got. The plugin should check whether a dead player got the most kills. Also, if the game has ended, after 10 seconds, I would like them to be teleported to another world that is also specified in the config. Once a player is dead, I would like them to be in fly and vanish. I believe Bukkit API already allows you to put a player into fly, and you can accomplish vanish through invisibility. Nothing complicated. Here is an example of the config file:
      blocks: 500
    world: uhc_world
    nether_world: uhc_world_nether
    end_world: uhc_world_end
    teleport: world
      some_uuid: 3
      another_uuid: 19
      kid's_uuid: 8
    final: give %winner% diamond 10
    Broken down, the config section:
      blocks: 500
    Is how large the "arena" is. In this case, I specified 500 blocks. That means I want the the location teleported to be within a 500x500 area. So if I put:
      blocks; 300
    Instead, that would mean the area teleported would be 300x300 blocks instead. I can probably set up a world border later so that you don't have to add it. Anyways, next is:
    world: uhc_world
    nether_world: uhc_world_nether
    end_world: uhc_world_end
    teleport: world
    The teleport: world part means that you will be teleported to whatever world: ___ specifies. If I did:
    teleport: nether_world
    You will be randomly teleported to whatever nether_world: ____ sepecifies; in this case, uhc_world_nether. The:
    world: uhc_world
    nether_world: uhc_world_nether
    end_world: uhc_world_end
    Part specifies what world each dimension is in. In this case, the overworld is uhc_world, the Nether uhc_world_nether, and the End uhc_world_end. Finally, there is the:
      some_uuid: 3
      another_uuid: 19
      kid's_uuid: 8
    part. That specifies each player's kills. Each section of the config will contain a UUID. Also upon joining the world, the player's UUID will be inserted into the config. So for example, if I joined uhc_world, since it was specified in the config, my UUID will be inserted. Anyways, in this case, some_uuid has 3 kills, another_uuid has 19 kills, and kid's_uuid has 8 kills. Pretty straightforward. One more thing, however, that I forgot to mention; the player with the most kills will have a command ran. In the config:
    final: give %winner% diamond 10
    There is the place holder %winner%. That is the player that won. For example, if I wanted to give them a permission, I could do:
    final: lp user %winner% parent set VIP
    Anyways, that's pretty much it.
    /reset <player>: Set's a player's kill count to 0, teleports them to another location (within the config), and clear's their inventory.
    /endgame: End's the game. Check's who has the most kills and broadcast's it in chat.
    dominator.reset: Allows use of /reset <player>.
    dominator.endgame: Allows use of /endgame.
    dominator.admin: Gives access to dominator.reset and dominator.endgame.
    When I'd like it by:
    As soon as possible.

    If you have any questions feel free to reply to this thread. Thanks :)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 14, 2020
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Xp10d3 1.8 with support for 1.15.2 if possible.
    Which one do you want?
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    1.8 and 1.15.2 support. So 1.8-1.15.2 support. But if you can't do 1.8-1.15.2 support, just 1.8 is fine.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    That is ViaVersion right?
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    @timtower No. Well, if it's 1.8 I will be using ViaVersion (please don't lock this) BUT my server will have a native version of 1.8. And I am pretty sure if you install a plugin it can work in 1.15.2, so if I'm using 1.8, I'd want the plugin to work on that version, but if I end up using 1.15.2, I'd want it to work on that version as well. It's just a fail safe. In case I use 1.8 or 1.15.2 I'd want the plugin to work both ways.
    EDIT: I don't need anything to do with ViaVersion lol. Since this is simple I'd want this to work on either 1.8 or 1.15.2. I just kinda need this plugin for a simple UHC/other gamemode.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Xp10d3 Pick a single version, and not 2 that are a couple years apart please.
    And if you are saying that you will be using ViaVersion while you know that is wrong: don't say it.
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    Okay; sorry Tim. Well, than I'll go with 1.15.2. I'd like this plugin to be in that version. I'll edit my post.
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    Bump :O
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    I'm sorry but, what's wrong with using ViaVersion?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    They are protocol hacks, do weird things, are not supported on this forum.
    Xp10d3 likes this.
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