timed Explosion Regeneration

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Ekoro, Oct 27, 2018.

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    Minecraft version: 1.12.2

    Suggested Name: RaidRepair

    What I want: Simple, I used to use "creeperHeal" but it contains multiple broken core features in 1.12, and the dev is no longer updating. I'm looking for a simple plugin that replaces blocks broken by TnT, fire, Withers, and creepers after 30 minutes (or a configurable amount of time.)
    I'm running Factions and Multiverse, my goal for this plugin is to allow players to raid using explosions, while fixing bases after the raid should be ending. Tnt should trigger other Tnt to explode, while not replacing them, or at least replacing them with air.

    I'd really like to see specific blocks replaced with different blocks, while the rest all replace with themselves.
    Grass = Dirt
    Stone = cobblestone
    Strone brick = Cracked stone brick
    logs = wood
    While mostly everything else simply replaces with its self.

    When I'd like it by: within a few days preferably, but I know these things take time.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2018
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    600 Views, no one interested in this sort of thing? :v
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2018
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    Yo, you're a damn life saver. Working prettymuch flawlessly, I did noticed one tiny issue though. TnT that are set off by other explosions restore, hate to ask, but is there a chance I could get them to restore as air, or blacklist them from repair? (wish I had any Java skills, I'd do it myself lol.) Quick question, is there anything that needs to be setup under the Data yml? I noticed it had a section for blocks.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2018
  5. Online


    No, you don't need to do anything for the data.yml, it's only for saving the blocks that needs repair so i can tell which ones to repair. :7
    I haven't been able to test the plugin yet but i think i've fixed the issue with tnt repairing.
    You can download the new version here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oyb1c7tgji61xt1/RaidRepair.jar?dl=0
    Ekoro likes this.
  6. Offline


    Hey, it's been a few months since you created this plugin for me. It's been quite popular on my server, and I was wondering if I could bother you for a tiny update on it?
    My players have been asking for blocks like "Colored wool" and "red sand" to regenerate as themselves. Right now, they regenerate as the default value block. For instance, red sand turns into sand. Jungle wood turn into oak wood. etc.

    Also, I was wondering if you'd be willing to change it so logs no longer turn into wood, but instead their original log types. I thought it was a cleaver idea, but to many of my players complain about that one change. [pig]
    List of blocks:
    Sand variants-
    log variants-
    plank variants-
    wool variants-
    fence variants-
    gate variants-
    glass color variants-
    glass pane variants-
    terracotta variants-
    glazed terracotta variants-
    concrete variants-
    carpet variants-
    leaf variants-
    sandstone variants-
    bed variants-
  7. Online


    @Ekoro Because of holidays i'm not currently at my computer but i'll look at it when i'm back. :)
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    No worries mate! Thanks though.
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