Question How to get colored prefix/names with essentials/pex

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Laqqy, Jul 9, 2017.

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    I'm trying to set different colors for each prefix and name for each rank for my server [Eg. Pic 2], but since i redid my essentials they've all been the same [Eg. picture 1]
    I'm trying to get owner in dark red (&4) and the name in light red (&c). So far, i've set the owner prefix to &4[OWNER] but only the group name shows up, not the prefix i set it to.

    This is my current essentials chat list in my essentials>config.yml
    config (open)

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | EssentialsChat | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # This section requires the EssentialsChat.jar to work.


    # If EssentialsChat is installed, this will define how far a player's voice travels, in blocks. Set to 0 to make all chat global.
    # Note that users with the "" permission will hear everything, regardless of this setting.
    # Users with can override this by prefixing text with an exclamation mark (!)
    # Users with can override this by prefixing text with a question mark (?)
    # You can add command costs for shout/question by adding chat-shout and chat-question to the command costs section."
    radius: 0

    # Chat formatting can be done in two ways, you can either define a standard format for all chat.
    # Or you can give a group specific chat format, to give some extra variation.
    # For more information of chat formatting, check out the wiki:

    format: '&7[{GROUP}]&r [{DISPLAYNAME}] {MESSAGE}'
    #format: '&7[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'

    # Default: '{WORLDNAME} {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
    # Admins: '{WORLDNAME} &c[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&c {MESSAGE}'

    # If you are using group formats make sure to remove the '#' to allow the setting to be read.

    No, i don't want to install any other plugins, unless i absolutely need them. It worked before but now i don't know why it wont work. Is there anything i have to change in the format?

    Attached Files:

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    Try to add
    Owner: '{WORLDNAME} &4[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
    below "group-formats:" (pay attention that it is without #)
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    Nope, nothing. As long as i got it correctly, it didnt change anything.

      #format: '{DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
      format: '&7[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
      Owner: '{WORLDNAME} &4[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
        #Default: '{WORLDNAME} {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
        #Admins: '{WORLDNAME} &c[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&c {MESSAGE}'
    thats what i have now, is that correct?
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    What Does your Group prefixes in PEX look like? Because that might be the problem
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    Ok, did you make sure, that the name of the owner rank in PEX is not "owner", "Owners" or something like that? The configuration is case sensitive.
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    wym? in permissions.yml? this is what it looks like there.

          prefix: '[Member]'
          default: true
    it worked before, like i said. i used to be able to do /pex group {groupname} prefix {prefixname} and it would change accordingly. now it doesnt do anything in the ingame chat, only changes stuff in the yml.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Laqqy Do you have a chat managing plugin and Vault installed?
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    Do you have any other chat plugin enabled? Also make sure that you have the EssentialsChat.jar file installed, Without this file, essentials chat settings will not work
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2017
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    so i kinda had a huge brain fart....
      #format: '{DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
      format: '&7[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
      Owner: '{WORLDNAME} &4[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
        #Default: '{WORLDNAME} {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
        #Admins: '{WORLDNAME} &c[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&c {MESSAGE}'
    i didnt put the space before the owner group-format
      Owner: '{WORLDNAME} &4[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&r {MESSAGE}'
    i got it, thank you everyone!
    Etwelve likes this.
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    Good to Hear!, Please Mark This Thread as Solved
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