Plugin to change Items

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by DashEffekt, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. Offline


    Hey there,

    I want to make a simple plugin what can change some items.
    Plugins can´t create new Items, how can add a plugin like Thaumcraft new Items?
  2. Offline


    @DashEffekt Bukkit can't add in new items that don't exist in the vanilla minecraft. They can modify the name and lores of the current items but they can't add in a completely new item.
  3. Offline


    Ok I can also make a Plugin that change an existing Item, so it isn´t Possible to add a new Armor or Weapon or maybe only change the Colour and Crafting Receipe?
  4. Offline


    In my knowledge it's only possible through modding. Also you can wait for 1.9 and for spigot to come out, because it has a feature, that based on durability an item can have multiple textures
    metincasper likes this.
  5. Offline


    Oh nice, maybe it´s the best to wait.
    Thank´s a lot Guys!
  6. Offline


    The colour depends on the texture pack which is still client side only. Unless you are talking about wool or leather armor because you can change the color of those and that is server side. Crafting Recipes are also server side and you can change or create new ones too with a plugin.
  7. Offline


    Do you now some good tutorials to learn java and bukkit programming?
  8. Offline


    Book: Java for dummies. Best one
    If you don't want to pay, then the official java tutorials, or thenewboston's video tutorials
  9. Offline


    I might add, generally when I create custom items, I give the player an item, such as a rose bush, and then set the lore and name of the item to something cool like, "Blade of the Fallen." Then, you can use a texture pack to make it have a custom look that you can send to players on the server. Then, in OnEntityDamage or onPlayerDamage, forget which its called, check if the player was damaged by that item with the specific name and lore. If so deal x damage. As far as armor you could do the same except for the fact that there are only so many armors to texture. In that case you might want to wait for 1.9 for textures based on durability.
  10. Offline


    You probably don't want to add different textures for armor with different durability
  11. Offline


    I'm talkimg about when 1.9 comes out. and why wouldn't you?
  12. Offline


    I don't know, maybe because it's durability changes while you wear it? And I think it only affects the items, not the models
  13. Offline


    @mcdorli You would just keep its durability from changing the same as on a sword. I'm pretty sure that the textures effect models.
  14. Offline


    I don't think.
  15. Offline


    I guess we'll see when it comes out! Though, most likely I will be too busy working with the elytra.
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