Solved Per world chat prefixes

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by HenkDeKipGaming, Dec 3, 2015.

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    Hey guys,

    So i'm working on a plugin about per world chat.
    So I have this code when a player chats:
    @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST)
    public void PlayerChat(AsyncPlayerChatEvent e) {
            Player p = e.getPlayer();
            //String s = e.getFormat();
            for(Player pl : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()) {
                if(pl.getLocation().getWorld().equals(p.getWorld())) {
                    pl.sendMessage(p.getName() + ": "  + e.getMessage());
    But when I do it like this, obviously it will not show any prefixes of other plugins.
    Is it possible to get those? With thet getFormat method I still couldn't get the prefixes..

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    Depends on how the other plugins handle their prefixes too.
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    Well I have an other plugin and I really want it to work with that plugin.
    That plugin just sets the format in the AsyncPlayerChatEvent
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    And what priority did you set the event to in your other plugin?
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    @HenkDeKipGaming I would rather set the format rather than sending a message, since it might fire twice since you have two plugins doing pretty much the exact same thing.
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    But how do I get the prefixes from other plugins?
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    @HenkDeKipGaming Set the priority of the 1st plugin to be faster than the 2nd. Then, finish the rest using the AsyncPlayerChatEvent#getFormat() and setting the format to be the prefix plus the format.
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    Just to make myself clear, I want to get the prefixes from my other plugin, but it should still work without the other plugin. I just want to get the whole message with prefixes and everything and send it to all the players in a world. is this possible?
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    @HenkDeKipGaming Yes. As long as you just change the format, don't cancel the event, and don't send the message, only the chat message with both edits should be sent.
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    But I want to only show the message to the players in the same world as the other player, how would I do this then?
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