While hold an item wins potion effect

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by jobsonmb, Jun 10, 2015.

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    //Bug Server cash "need help"

    public void onPlayerItemHeld(PlayerItemHeldEvent event){
    Player p = event.getPlayer();

    while(p.getItemInHand().getType() == Material.DIAMOND_SWORD)
    p.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.INCREASE_DAMAGE, 50, 0));
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    when i put a sword in hand, server crash
  4. Because while you have the sword in your hand you enter the while loop, locking up the main server thread, so no other code can execute. Consequently you cannot change the item in your hand, or do anything else for that matter and eventually the loop will cause your server to crash.

    Change your while loop, to an if statement. That'll fix your problem.
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    I tried using "if" more he did not renew the potion effect
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    You should run that code in a task instead of an event, without the while loop then.
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    I've never used while loops while making bukkit plugins simply because I wasn't experienced enough with it and it kept crashing the server. Just do a task like timtower said.
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    You should check with a if statement. if item is sword and player doesnt have your potion effect //do stuff
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