Bukkit.getWorld(String name) returns null

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by arinerron, May 15, 2015.

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    I have a Minigame plugin and in it, there is a NullPointerException...
    int x = this.getConfig().getInt("Minigame.MiniG.lobby.x");
    int y = this.getConfig().getInt("Minigame.MiniG.lobby.y");
    int z = this.getConfig().getInt("Minigame.MiniG.lobby.z");
    World world = Bukkit.getWorld(this.getConfig().getString("Minigame.MiniG.lobby.world"));
    this.MINIGAMES.get(i).setLobby(new Location(world, x, y, z));
    Just so you know, I checked and confirmed the world name is "tester"!
    The config file ==
    # Data for Minigame plugin is located here.
    - test
        title: test
        minplayers: 3
        maxplayers: 3
          x: 1
          y: 1
          z: 1
          world: tester
          x: 1
          y: 1
          z: 1
          world: tester
          x: 1
          y: 1
          z: 1
          world: tester
    Last edited: May 16, 2015
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    There is no "MiniG" key under Minigames. You have to set a value before you can get it... This is the value you're trying to get:

          world: world_name
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    Sorry I accidently did that... I fixed it... I pasted my old version of the config file...
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    But it's not solved... I mean I showed the simplified version of the error here... I just had a typo but in the real program, it is still doing the same thing (returning null...)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @arinerron Is that world loaded then when that code is running?
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    WOAH I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT... I will check, thanks alot! :) Just curious, if it is not, how will I get past this problem? Is there an event for when the server finishes starting up?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    You check if the world is loaded in the onEnable ( generally it is )
    Or you listen to the WorldLoadEvent, or something along those lines.
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    @arinerron Oh sorry i thought you ment the thread when you said "i fixed it" :3
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    Oh! :) Sorry about the confusion, I will attempt to do better next time! :)

    The first time I start the server, it says it's an invalid plugin cause a NullPointerException, (And it loads before the world is loaded), but the second time I reload it doesn't say the world was reloaded so I don't know if it is, but I get an error (The first time I reload it following the plugin stopping, the plugin works...)

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2015
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @arinerron That sentence doesn't really make sense to me, could you try to say it with different words?
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    @arinerron, you're trying to get the world before it exists is what it sounds like.
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    Okay thanks! I'll make it display all the worlds before it try's to run the function Bukkit.getWorld(). I'll try it when I get home!
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