Play sounds on coordinates

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Solaris_88, Mar 4, 2015.

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    *Name*- Sound Coordinates
    *What I want*
    I would like for a sound to be played for the player who goes on a certain coordinate(s).
    /soundplay [sound name] [x,y,z] [how long you want it to play for, in seconds]
    and to set a sound for multiple coordinates
    /soundplay [sound name] [x,y,z];[x,y,z] [how long you want it to play for, in seconds]
    so to set multiple coordinates, you would separate them with a ;
    /sounddelete [x,y,z] (Or [x,y,z];[x,y,z] depending if you have set multiple coords)
    *Note* What I'm using this for is when a player walks past a door, a sound plays.
    *When I want it by* As soon as you can please :)
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    @Solaris_88 Are you familiar with the command /playsound?
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    @pie_flavor Yes, I am aware of the /playsound command... :p But that command doesn't save the sound to that coordinate. Last time I checked /playsound will only issue the sound once, at that coordinate that you would need to issue the command again.
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