Disable Chat

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Alster551, May 20, 2014.

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  1. Offline


    So in my plugin ive come to a problem. I'm not sure how i wouldn't let players talk if they issue a command. I have a command that where i type it, it doesnt show messages or players talking in their chat, but if they chat, it shows up in everyone else's chat, which i dont want to happen. Basically i need a way to mute a player when they issue a command...
  2. Offline


    "that where i type it, it doesnt show messages or players talking in their chat, but if they chat, it shows up in everyone else's chat, which i dont want to happen"
    Could you perhaps clarify that ?
  3. Offline


    Ok, I have a command that stops the player messages showing in the players chat who did the command. But what I also want that command to do is basically mute the player who issued the command (This is because if the player who has issued the command talks in chat, it shows up in everyone else's chat. Which i dont want to happen.) Hope this makes more sense...
  4. Offline


    If you want to mute him, simply cancel all Chat-Events originating from him ;)
  5. Offline


    DxDy Wouldnt that cancel all commands?
  6. Offline


    AsyncPlayerChatEvent doesn't trigger for commands afaik. But you'd need to verify this.
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