When will Bukkit be updated for Minecraft 1.5?

Discussion in 'Bukkit News' started by EvilSeph, Apr 20, 2011.

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    We have completed the update to Minecraft 1.5_02 (and have had it done for a while now) and are working out a few issues before we promote a recommended build. A TEST ONLY build is available but we highly recommend that you wait until we promote a Recommended Build before putting it on your production server.

    You can find the latest test build on ci.bukkit.org. Please note, though, that if you don't already know how to get it, you probably shouldn't be using it. Only Recommended Builds have gone through extensive testing. Anything else could result in unforeseen problems like Bukkit eating your cake or your world. You have been warned.


    Common Problems/Questions:
    What's the first build that works with Minecraft 1.5_02
    The first CraftBukkit build that works with Minecraft 1.5_02 was made available 2 days ago and is build #689. However, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that if you are running the test builds, you always stay up to date as we usually fix bugs, exploits and improve stability.

    I downloaded build 714 but got some other build!
    You're probably reading the version string incorrectly.

    Here's an example version string:
    git-Bukkit-0.0.0-686-g71ef92a-b714jnks (MC: 1.5_02)

    This version string is for build 714, as you can tell by the "b714jnks" at the end.

    Whenever I use a plugin that changes blocks, I can't see the changes until I reconnect!
    We had an issue with blocks not updating properly but this has since been fixed from build #707. This bug affected plugins that changed blocks in game, like WorldEdit.

    Help! My console keeps getting spammed with this error whenever someone gets kicked or disconnects and it lags the server!
    This is a bug we've fixed from build #701 onwards.

    I can't build or destroy anything! Help!?
    The common cause of this issue is a client mod called Single Player Commands, please try uninstalling all your client mods and seeing if this fixes the issue. If this is the case, then it isn't a Bukkit issue and you should contact the author of the mods you use.

    Every time I connect to the server and load a sign, the client crashes. What's wrong?
    Minecraft 1.5 has added limits for sign text. Plugin developers commonly used longer sign text to store extra data or add colours to signs. This is no longer possible, so we now cut off any line in a sign longer than 15 characters (as of build #712).

    I get kicked when flying and am told that flying hasn't been enabled on this server. How do I enable flying?
    Minecraft 1.5 added anti-flying checks. You can enable flying by setting allow-flight=true in server.properties.

    Whenever I try to send a long message in chat, it gets cut off at roughly two lines.
    A limit on chat has been added with Minecraft 1.5. This is one of the issues we're hoping to address before we promote a Recommended Build.

    Help! When I use the CLI arguments to set ports (or any setting), the server always starts up on 25565 or ignores the setting!
    There was a bug that prevented the server from reading settings passed through CLI arguments. This has since been fixed from build #706 onwards.

    The easiest fix for most problems is to update to the latest Bukkit test build.


    As is the case with every Minecraft update, we saw our usual influx of extra traffic from people wondering if we have a build of CraftBukkit working with the Minecraft update seconds after release (seriously). Usually, you'd see a pretty standard post from me stating we're working on an update and providing the usual advice that you aren't forced to update. However, this time there was a distinct lack of communication from the team regarding the status of the update, other than the usual "we're working on it". Couple this with the slow development occurring lately and we can forgive people for posting the expected "is Bukkit dead?" or "what's going on?" posts. I hope this post will explain everything.

    Will there be a CraftBukkit for Minecraft 1.5?
    Given the reports of showstopping bugs present in 1.5, there's a high chance a new bugfix update for Minecraft will be out tomorrow or even several times this week. As a result, it is unlikely we will be releasing a 1.5 compatible build and, instead, will be waiting for something stable to work with.

    Due to the nature of the project and the methods we use to provide Bukkit for Minecraft, any update - no matter how small - requires us to figure out the mapping of obfuscated classes and update our code. This takes a lot of time and work, so hopefully you understand our decision.

    Having said all this, we recommend that you stay on 1.4 for a while until the patch storm subsides if your server depends on Bukkit.

    Further, I wanted to apologise for the lack of communication regarding this update. I was really hesitant announcing this since it would only serve to disappoint and annoy people, however, I noticed quite a few supportive comments on here and IRC that pushed me to post this announcement because the people that have supported us through everything deserve it.

    Why are things so quiet? Why is the update taking so long?
    Before I answer this, I think it is appropriate to cover what usually happens when we're aware of an update coming soon. Whenever we recieve word of a Minecraft update (which, contrary to popular belief, is generally the same time as everyone else), we place all development in the Bukkit project under a code freeze to prepare for the update and make things easier. That being said, last week thursday we were expecting a Minecraft update and appropriately placed the project under a code freeze. Unfortunately, the update was delayed and pushed to the next week, resulting in a much longer code freeze than normally occurs. Naturally, this lead to activity within the project seeming critically lower than it really was and prompted some people to post the inevitable "what's going on?" thread.

    On top of the code freeze, we're working on some larger changes to Bukkit or CraftBukkit that require quite a bit of time to complete and will only be commited to the public code when they are ready. Quite often you'll find that, while you don't see any updates, we definitely are still working hard programming awesome things and appreciate your patience and support.

    So why is this update taking so long? After we had updated for Minecraft 1.4, we came across some annoying chunk related issues and bugs that were incredibly difficult to pinpoint due to confusion with the new obfuscated names mappings (d -> c and c -> d). Naturally, these kinds of issues were unacceptable for the project and we immediately got to work on improving our update process to avoid issues of this nature in the future. While I think we can all agree with this decision, the unfortunate result is the delay we're currently facing since we're not yet done improving the process. The good news is, we're nearly done improving our update handling process and the wait will definitely be worth it come future updates.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding!
    Azukay, Nuinbot, pcgames3112 and 54 others like this.
  2. Offline


    You're set for the "Zombie Siege" mode that will be added eventually. :)
    Deathlysteve- likes this.
  3. Offline


    awesome uhm will notch be eventually adding that or is it a mod?
  4. Offline


    It is a considered mode.
  5. Offline

    G1R Productions

    Yay people are liking my idea of playing on a new world with seed as Bukkit keep it up guys I would like to see some of your buildings and such if possible.

    ps. I have not built much yet.
  6. Offline


    I made it again because I felt like a challenge in the sand... First 2 minutes i find a wolf :D w00t w00t
  7. Offline


    Hehe... well I am fixing to start digging down as I have to go wider and wider for materials I am needing. Only 300 more glass to go. :D
  8. Offline


    What a time to decide to spend more time fine tuning the updates! Just when I finally reached my goal for online users!

    Glad they are doing the extra work though. Nothing I hate more than having to fix/update code that is very messy and unorganized, I can imagine java makes this even worse!
  9. Offline


    Same for me man, I am slowly getting user's onto my forums and such and this happens, I am for sure greatful but lets see what happens

    You guys can check out my forums and such at ObsidianGaming.net
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    Man..i don't get why people complain about how SMP is 'almost' broken in the 1.5_xx release. I have a server running, and it hasn't crashed ONCE these 2 days. Btw, I never restarted it, so its been up for around 48 hours STRAIGHT on 1.5. Didn't crash. At all.

    For those who keep experiencing problems, why don't you TELL people what the fricken problem is/was? Obviously you're either just bitter, and over exaggerating, or you're so stupid you don't know how to manage a proper server.

    I agree with some people here though. Notch needs to learn how to manage a proper 'company'. He's a millionaire now. His 'side-project' is now a best-seller game, and he needs to grow up, figure out what he plans to do with it. Tbh, he'll be on the same level as the low lifes who steal people's money if he doesn't smarten up.

    Then again, he has his EULA to win any court case regarding this XD
    Raspberry likes this.
  11. Offline


    Good Choice!
    I refused to update my client to 1.5

    Srsly how can people still be kissing notch's ass when every 3rd update he does breaks a game that is suppsoidly "Beta"

    He needs to learn more english and bring his entire game right back to alpha and get the whip out on his team and cancle all his flights and no more game nights until they have actually done some work worthy of a break.

    Exactly ^ I only wont update due to fact I dont trust it from what I read Im better off on 1.4_01 even it works.

    Notch is still his company like its in his moms basement he really does need to step up his game or face the fact that even his own fans are starting to turn against him 'at the least one that give a shit'.

    I used to praise notch a while back then like many started to see what a waster he really was and the fact there is no support at all Im damn glad I got this game back in alpha when it was cheap I would not pay full price game that is still is buggier then alpha versions.

    People who don't get this fact also need to widen ther pupils a bit more and see beyond the gold ass that is notch. If ANYONE can give me a reasonable explination as to why BETA is worse then some of the versions alpha putting asside the couple of broken updates such as 1.2, 1.2_x actually was the last release that worked perfect and lag issue free for a lot of people.

    Beta has been nothing but overflow's Timeouts, Server crashes sometimes and the lag spikes.
    Granted people who run a server on latest tech in a Datacenter will probably be ignorant to even those issues as it will be nothing but a simple lag spike to them.

    For others I have seen the game go from being brillent to the BOO update that started to break it then 1.3 that made it worse introuced memory leaks and Packet flooding, to 1.4 that was not much different only laggier and now 1.5 that has what some of us more educated people pradicted would be the END of the game yet again.

    I do not see ANY reason to show any love when the man who runs the company goes from a good game title that was working and mostly free of major issues and working as one man team to going to a Having a Team of his own and falling below previouse standards.

    I't obviously shows he is a waster and I don'y think anyone can find a reasonable excuse that would be worthy of forgivness.

    I also love how the media is ignorant to all of this and how Podcasts still kiss ass. If this was EA or Bioware or Epic Games or any other BIG time company it would have been slandared all over the internets in many blogs and articals about how FAIL the game was. Then again if it was those companys people would have gotten a reply back for a refund and would have released timely patch even if it was a little late to fix the major issues for good.
    Raspberry likes this.
  12. Offline


    Yes that is correct!
    i believe that notch has his mind set out on too many damn games like his recent one : Portal 2
    and he said he doesnt have time to finish minecraft when he was playing it,...

    but its over now and seems too me that Notch may be adding dogs :O

    you can check out all his rambling about here http://twitter.com/#!/notch
    because that is also what he wastes his time on -.-
    Raspberry likes this.
  13. Offline


    I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and not upgrade any of my servers on patch day from now on. The choices were run without bukkit and be vulnerable to griefers, run with a temporary map, or stay downgraded. I think just simply being patient and not upgrading right away is the wisest thing now. I'd recommend you other admins just spend a little time writing up a howto on downgrading for your users, you only have to restore the .minecraft\bin directory, not the whole thing, just put up a zip file with 1.4_01 for people that already upgraded. Its not as horrible as you think, even some of my less technical users could handle it, just put some screenshots of what to do. :)
    Paul_VB likes this.
  14. Offline


    Um... what? Dogs are already in the game...
  15. Offline


    Mod, dynCraft
    EDIT: And he should be adding it eventually I believe, but Jexius is faster :D
    Naruchico likes this.
  16. lol I have been watching LotR Fellowship Extended Edition :p
    LotR FTW!!!!
    Keep up the good work Bukkit Team, take your time to make a stable release and not some fast unstable release, take all the time you need :D
  17. Offline


    Please. Stop. Talking. Shit. About. Java. When. You. Don't. Know. Shit. About. It.

    God, every time I hear someone blame some of Minecraft's problems on Java, I die a little.
  18. Not to say that Java doesn't have its share of problems.

    Java is probably one of the better languages for fixing "messy" code because decent IDEs can reformat it for you.
  19. Offline


    Just make a damn build I really want mods
  20. Offline


    No my friend,
    Those "dogs" are bloody wolves??
    Deathlysteve- likes this.
  21. Offline


    omg never seen that dyncraft before looks AWESOME!! although... do you know if it will work with this new bukkit version that the devs are making atm? :confused:
  22. Offline


    At this rate, I am about two sneezes from believing dyncraft + bukkit = Minecraft 2.0 (no need for notch) just modders :p
  23. Offline


    So much for trying to beat the last update time of 4-6 hours. 1.5_02 was out 15 hours ago..
  24. Offline


  25. Offline


    Same shit...
    Why would Notch add dogs if there are already wolves in the game?
    What difference would there be?
    What would just achieve?
  26. Offline


    Hope 1.5_o1 comes soon!!!!! Hurry up Minecraft!
  27. Offline


  28. Offline


    I am going to have to disagree with you and agree with the kid who you quoted. It is completely unprofessional to put out a version of your game that has bugs, especially as many as this one does. If I pay money for something, I expect it to at least have gone through testing before being put out. It looks to me that Notch just made the updated version, ran it and saw that it ran, and closed it and said "yep, its good, time to play Portal 2". Thats shit.
  29. Offline


    *Gets out of bed*
    *Puts on clothes*
    *Checks bukkit for updates*
    As yesterday...
    ToastHelmi and Ben91 like this.
  30. Offline


    Mojang has a server version 1.5_02 out now... Is this still not good enough??
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