Proper Teamwork - Everyone is equal

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Oberdiah, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Offline


    [​IMG]Hello, I'm here to talk about a new idea that came to me recently ... a minecraft server that runs with communism.
    The idea is that mobs are really difficult, to pull everyone together, and encourage teamwork, pvp is disabled, armor is disabled, and everything that anyone collects goes straight to a central bank which everyone can access.
    This central bank is accessed by typing /i, and consists of everything everyone owns on the server. The central bank is a double-chest sized space, where chests cannot be stacked. If you click on a chest in the central bank, a new inventory is opened with another double-chest of space inside ... The idea is that people would create category inside category, say, tools/armor/chest-plates/diamond, and there there would be all of the diamond chest-plates the server owned.
    When you leave the server, everything you have taken out of the central bank goes back in, except for the stuff you have placed.
    Any chests placed act as miniature central banks, so you can create automated machines that send items straight to the main bank by leading hoppers into chests.
    A persons storage is their hot-bar. It too gets reset back to the bank when they leave, and replaced when they come back, however, the rest of their inventory can be used as temporary storage, where everything in it gets sent back to the main bank every 5 minutes. This would be useful for crafting and enchanting.
    This is a very complex idea, and, if you like it, can you try to help?
    However, no matter what you do, you will not get any advantage in game, because that'd defeat the purpose of communism. You will though get a server where everyone is equal, forever trying to make a better world for themselves and their team-mates.
  2. Offline


    This is very creative, although I don't know about the thing that you can't own items, since it would get reset/put in a public chest on logout.. Meaning that gathering items and resources is pointless.. And i doubt that people would actually work as a team.. Just my expectation
  3. Offline


    Gathering items and resources is not pointless ... You are doing for the benefit of everyone else, as a whole server. You work, just like people in communist nations, for the good of the nation as a whole, instead of yourself. You take pride in what your team has achieved, not what you, yourself has. It is a difficult concept to get your head around, but I think it might work, with the right regulations.

    Update: New idea to encourage mining and other tasks for team. Everyone has a "trust value". This number goes up every time the person gets an item for the team by the value of that item.

    To find the value of an item, get the time on average the items are arriving into the storage, divide it by the time they're taking to go out of storage again, and if an item that someone wants isn't in the main bank, they can click on it, which multiplies that item's value by (Number of old requests + 1).

    Also, for every 10 items a person puts into the bank, their value gained per item goes up 25%

    So, to recap:

    Requests*(Number of items by user/40)*(Average arrival time/Average leaving time)
  4. Offline


    If you had an item value system where users can only take out the equivalent of what they put in would prevent a user from removing everything from the bank and throwing it into lava or something like that. Something similar to this is Faction Chests, although instead it is the entire server.
  5. Offline


    This seems like a very interesting idea id love to try, although, there is something confusing in your post:
    Do you mean that the bank generates with premade/buyable items which people cannot create, or is this just a typo?
  6. Offline


    Sorry, that was actually one of the most important bits of that update, but I forgot to put it in ... To take an item out of a chest, you have to have put 10 times that items value into the server bank

    No, I meant that people could put diamond chest plates in there, and that'd be where they were stored, but as you cannot wear armour, that'd be pointless.
  7. Offline


    We still need help and a plugin coder ... :(
  8. Offline



    I think I can help you, can you message me with your skype or something?
  9. Offline


    Poll: What bank do you think is best?
    Central bank style 1:
    This central bank is a double-chest sized space, where chests cannot be stacked. If you click on one of these chests, a new inventory is opened with the stuff inside ... The idea is that people would create category's inside category's, say, tools/armour/chest-plates/diamond, and there there would be all of the diamond chest-plates the server owned.
    Central bank style 2:
    This central bank is run through commands, so you type /i (Item) and it will ask you how many of that item you want to take out, and you will be displayed information about how many of the item there is in the bank, and how much that item will cost. You can then type either the number of the item you want out in chat, or /exit to exit the interface.
    Central bank style 3:
    This central bank is run through commands as well, but also has chests as a viewing platform. You can create a category by typing /create (Category name) which costs money, and you can view a category by typing /i (category name). That then opens a chest where you can put in and take out items for their value, like normal.
    Central bank style 4:
    This central bank is run through the creative inventory, and I'm not sure if it can be done through the bukkit API. When you pressed "e" you would open a creative inventory, and when you took something out, it would charge you and remove the number of items you removed from the server's storage. When you put any items from your inventory into the creative inventory, it would add on that item's value to your "money". If there wasn't enough of the item for you to take, you wouldn't be able to take it. The item would also look enchanted, or, if that's not possible, be renamed (Empty), or, if that's not possible, it doesn't really matter
  10. Offline


    4 is not possible, since you can't detect when a player opens his own inventory..
    I think 1 is the best.
  11. Offline


    I would vote for 2 due to easier to code and easier to organize when you can get the data you need with a short command.
  12. Offline


    Although arent the item names sensitive..? If you forget a _ or something, it wouldn't work..
    And if you know how to solve this, please tell me, since i need it right now ;)
  13. Offline


    This won't work for the same reason communism doesn't work. There will be the guy that takes everything out of the bank and keeps it.
    Jake6177 and Desle like this.
  14. Offline


    Sorry, I forgot to add it, but we've changed the ranking so that your "trust value" becomes your money, and to take out items, you need to pay. Also, your multiplier for getting more money the more you do it is now item dependent, so for every item you have a different multiplier.
    That applies for taking items out as well; they cost more.

  15. Offline


    But then it's more capitalism than communism. You work to get stuff out.
  16. Offline


    Yeah, but you don't end up in any worse living conditions than people who didn't work, you just get to do more. I'd say it's still more communism than capitalism

    You don't need to detect when they open it, just when they take something out of the creative inventory
  17. Offline



    AWE. SOME. IDEA; lol, loved it, now I want a server just to see some brazilian (anti-game, annoying people) with this.

    (I'm brazilian, I'm not talking about everyone, but 95% of the players from my old servers, hate this people, I know there are some nice but the maiority is just annoying, ignorant and try to find a way to get ONE GRASS more than others using bugs and things like that... Man, when ChestShop was bugged with a duplication bug, I needed to investigate 1 month to see how the bug works to send to the developer because nobody did it... Brazil can be nice sometimes, but the population - not all, but maiority - are s##t, really)
  18. Offline


    So are you saying people will ruin it, or you'd like to see them try?
  19. Offline


    Desle Personally id match against an item name alias list, getting an existing one shouldnt be hard.
  20. Offline


    I currently try to implement Option 3.
  21. Offline


    The idea is nice, if well planned, there wont be a way to ruin it (like a large initial stock of items) but I meant that would be nice to see they try (;
  22. Offline


    This seems like a rather large plugin to request :/
  23. Offline


    It's do-able though ;)
  24. Offline


    We found a coder, but he is too busy and so we still need one ... We can try to help as much as we can, but it will be mainly on the plugin coders shoulders. Please, we really want to start getting this server going.
    Can you code this plugin, or at least think about it?
  25. Offline


    I'm currently creating the first inventory (The one with different inventories).
    I don't know why, since this is the hard way.. I have to basicly recreate the Material enum (whole list)....
    I'm actually stopping with this.. probably going to do the create inventory.
  26. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Why do you need to recreate the enum?
  27. Offline


    I made an enum that sorts armor types, tool type, etc.. but.. now that you say that,
    I.. I don't, but for some reason I feel like it's easier
    timtower likes this.
  28. Offline


    I want to give it a try. Its a very nice plugin...

    * = dont know if I'm going to make this specific feature

    - difficult mobs*;
    - disabled PVP;
    - blocked item crafting list (such as armor, chests - configurable);
    - 5 minutes "return inventory to bank"*;
    - "return hot-bar to bank" when leaving server;
    - global /bank with a inventory of materials;
    - every material page is a double chest with ("page forward", "page backward") until all material quantity is exposed;
    - limit of items per material (configurable - excessed material are deleted when going to the bank);
    - configurable blocked events (block chest opening, block armor from being equiped, block some materials from throw, or a global cooldown for throwing them, enchanting)

    - All information will be saved on MySQL (material - quantity);
    - I can't make different types of items like colored colors ("id:damage", I cant make the damage thing easily);
    - I can't save enchantments and other things that are "per item", this would be more complex and database consuming;
    - I dont have all the time on the world, I'm barely finishing my SurvivalGames plugin...

    Hope you understand that my plugin wont be exacly what you asked for (read "OBS"), but its better than nothing...

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