Constant Crash

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by JDD, Apr 9, 2011.

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    still testing plague but I will keep you posted and if it comes out with a major difference i will definitely submit a bug report.

    Ok I can post the results if you guys would like them but quite frankly there is no point. The amount of ram usage for 30 mins while running in a straightline only using the plugin magic carpet so I can run above the world undistrupted yeilded a difference of 50-100mb between 617 and 670 617 came out roughly 900ish mb vs 670 1gb. On the ground running 617 was at around 652 mb vs 617 being at around 730mb. So at this point I'm just going to tell my guys to be smart about how much they are just randomly running and i'm setting server restarts for every 4 hours to clear out cache and see how that goes.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  2. Offline


    I have upgraded to build 675 and noticed a few things. For one and the most important is that the server doesn't crash from chunks not unloading! I have also noticed that chunks are generated differently than before, a little less natural but more stable for sure. It's hard to explain, but the chunks generate in a pattern and a little slower too. I suggest checking it out yourself as I am not so good at explaining this.

    Now my server loads chunks until it reaches 97% ram usage and then it fluctuates between 94% and 97% ram usage until restart. The ram usage does not go down on user exit, instead it goes down when needed.

    I have only checked so far with a max of 3 users (as most of my users got scared by all the crashes lately), but hopefully I'll be able to let you know about higher user counts.
  3. Offline


    stupid question here any of you ever tryed to reboot ur box?
  4. Offline


    I don't "reboot my box" because the point of a server is constant uptime. All rebooting does is reload services and I've done that.
  5. Offline


    some thimes u do need to reboot ur "box" i do it once a week and i have 99.98% uptime :D
  6. Offline


    Woodzy I've completely reinstalled a new os to continue this testing. I'll be upgrading to 675 today.
  7. Offline

    Rich Boos

    I had been following this thread and previously downgraded to 617 and now upgraded to 677 and have noticed much better results with ram usage. Less lag too.
    Spoken like a true Windows Admin/Fan. Its amazing how many things from simple programs to Virtual-Box Kernel Modules you can install on Linux and NEVER have to reboot. Microsoft sure conditioned their users correctly. Rebooting Windows to fix things is like sweeping dirt under a rug. Unfortunately everyone accepts it. Software developers probably rely on it as a "Get out of jail free card".
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    One of my windows boxes have been running 2 months with no boots, no problems at all, my linux box (as I just started using it) hasn't been rebooted since install but when it was running MC under windows I never rebooted it either until the issues discussed in this thread cropped up.
  9. Offline


    Periodically I am still getting horrible lag but the crashes have stopped. it says "Connection reset" a lot in the console now as well as wierd messages like "[INFO] 0, 0" Whenever it says connection reset everyone starts to lag to the point that messages send only after waiting like 5 minutes or so and blocks don't stay placed. That's with builds 675- 680
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