Filled Super-Gui! [cool idea]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by megasaad44, Nov 7, 2013.


Do you think this is an awesome idea worth being made?

  1. OFCOURSE!! :D

    5 vote(s)
  2. Naa... :/

    4 vote(s)
  3. Maybe... :|

    5 vote(s)
  1. Offline


    Plugin category: fun, misc, economy

    Suggested name: Super-Gui

    What I want: So you know those plugins like shop gui? where they open an inventory with slots and categories and stuff like that? Well! Why not have a plugin that makes those guis?
    Here is the case:
    -Owner: *thinking* Hmm, i wonna make a special command for kits!
    -Owner: /gui create kits thin
    -Owner: /gkits #!!the g is to remove any plugin interference!!#
    *inventory slot thing. comes in this form: but the slots would be empty!*
    -Owner: /gui edit kits
    -message: this gui is now in edit mode!
    *owner holds stone block*
    -Owner: /gui addcmd console /kit {player} Tank
    -console: modifies Owner's stone block with name: /kit {player} Tank and lore: Place me in a slot!
    -message: type /gui addcmd and add another command to it!
    -Owner: /gui addcmd player /me Just bought the tank kit! And i'm Lovin it!
    -message: successfully added extra cmd to the stone block!
    -Owner: /gui nameitem Tank
    -Owner: /gui loreitem Powerful kit! You will be a bulldozer!
    -Owner: ok time to add this block to the gui!
    -Owner: /gkits *its in edit mode*
    -*owner then places stone in one of the slots. and if someone clicks the stone they will run those commands!*
    -Owner: /gui edit kit
    -message: the gui is now out of edit mode!
    -Jimmy: /gkits
    *Jimmy hovers over the stone block and reads the block name: "Tank" with lore: "Powerful kit! You will be a bulldozer!" then Jimmy clicks the block and receives the kit!*
    Ideas for commands:
    /gui help: NOTICE: this command is only for players with the permission sgui.admin!! and all these commands are for people with that permission as well! except /g<kitname>!!
    ==========={Super Gui}===========
    /gui create <kit name> <size: thin|medium|large #thin=slots medium= small chest large=big chest
    /gui edit <kit>
    /gui addcmd <console|player> /<command>
    /gui nameitem <name>
    /gui loreitem <lore>
    /gui infoitem <title|lore> #lore is more important for this# <text or lore>
    /gui addcategory <title|lore> <thin|medium|large> <text or lore> #when item is clicked in the slot, it will open another seperate chest and it adds a sign on a corner slot *movable in edit mode* that sends you back to a previous category or main slots
    /gui help *displays this page*
    Ideas for permissions: sgui.admin #lets you make a gui and displays the gui help page
    sgui.use #lets you do /g<name>
    #will not have a feature to show a list of /g<name> 's! those are provided either via announcements or some other manner!

    When I'd like it by: Any time :)

    Imagine the possibilities of this! :D You can make a gui for ANYTHING! I really hope someone is willing to make this! ^_^
  2. Offline

    Mathias Eklund

    Seems like a fun idea
  3. Offline


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  5. Offline


    super292 Holy crap! Well this does lose a lot of the features i mentioned though... :/ And i guess mine is just plain simpler and more effecient... Right?
  6. Offline


    Hello this is the developer of GUIShop, I am adding kits soon, be patient.
  7. Offline


    iBCoLLiN Ahh, you miss understood a little. This plugin i'm suggesting allows you to make a gui for anything. Not just kits :p the kits was just an example of what it can possibly do. :) You can make a full command gui! Or even a warp guide! Or a welcome gui! o-o soo many possibilities apply, and most importantly, you can make info boards for minigames in some cases where you click a sign and it opens the gui specified with all the info inside! You'd even be able to make some fancy looking designs and make the server have a bit more of an awesome thing goin on! :3 btw I <3 you plugin :p
  8. Offline



  9. Offline


    I think you mean attaching commands to blocks/items in Chest/Hopper GUI?
    Like /warp PvP to Diamond Sword? Or /kit tank to Diamond Chestplate?
    It's possible, Navigator plugin uses same idea, but only with /warp commands :)
  10. Offline


    hunajameloni I think you think what i meant... :S soo yeah... Interested? :p
  11. Offline


    megasaad44 Well I am not Developer. But I like this idea.
    I hope someone try to do this.
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  17. Offline


    desht Although interesting, not exactly satisfying sadly :/ My aim was making custom and nice commands in a new way. Thanks for the suggestion anyways :)

  18. Offline


    ohh my gash.... There are so many GUI plugins already out there...

    For Example: can literally do anything you want it to do... IF you want kits install a kit plugin and have the icon run the command to get that kit. If you don't want players to be able to get the kit by running a command then use "op:" in the action area.
  19. Offline


    CraftBook CommandItems can make items do commands when clicked in the inventory, if you use the inventory click event, and set the cancel action option to true.
  20. Offline


    Goblom I love your plugin :D Needs updating though. :p Thank you so much
  21. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Maybe you need to say what needs to be updated :p
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    timtower Eeeh. By update i mean needs to be more stable... Because i tried making a gui and the plugin just wont work...
  23. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Maybe wrong config? :p
    Things like this aren't stable when you have the config wrong
    drtshock likes this.
  24. Offline


    timtower You don't say...
    I'm trying to reset it again and reinput my own config
    EDIT: And the reload command doesn't work.
  25. Online

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    That is indeed somewhat inconvenient.
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    timtower ....
    Still looking for a gui plugin like this that isn't outdated... :/
  27. Offline


    Watch, timtower is going to say "Outdated isn't the same as broken". hehe :3
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    CrispyLipz likes this.
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    timtower No offence was taken I hope, you're a good help around these forums! ^o^

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