All The Same Client

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by o0Julia0o, Oct 29, 2013.

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  1. Plugin category: Admin Tools, Anti Griefing, Developer Tool, RPG-Tool, Mod-Tool

    Suggested name: All The Same Feeling

    What I want: a simple tool to force players to use the server defined .jar, It might be useful to modded server and also can work to prevent hacked clients, forcing all the players to use a clean .jar. A client side modification will be required. Otherwise the client will be disallowed to join the server. So if the server won´t to have a client-group to have rei´s minimap or something else, he can stop users to use this map. f.e. on a rpg-server. Or you can make to use a jar with music/sounds they have to use. The possibilties are many. Or you can make to use a jar without X-Ray-Mod or/and with only Texturepack x and y allowed.

    It could be managed by folders on the server:
    This folder contains all the available .jars to join the server. It can have some Jars, for different groups(mod, admin, rpg-group). So if one RPG-Group-player get´s a higher ranking, he can use more things, f.e.).
    This folder contains all the available .jars to have inside your "mods" folder, for instance, if you have forge and want people to be able to join the server using the mod X or Y or Z, you just have to put the XYZ mod file inside the mods folder, then the player will be able to join the server using one or all of them. You can configure to force the player to have all those 3 mods too. The player will no be able to join the server using a mod file that isnt in your jars/mods folder.
    This folder contains all the files to send to the client if he join the server using a invalid jar or invalid mods. The structure of this folder will remain intact, for instance, if inside this folder you have this structure:
    • /send/bin/minecraft.jar
    • /send/resources/sound.egg
    • /send/someFolder/readme.txt
    The client will receive the files in the same structure:
    • /.minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar
    • /.minecraft/resources/sound.egg
    • /.minecraft/someFolder/readme.txt
    And if he already have any of those files/folders, the original will be renamed, nothing will be deleted.

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions:
    AllTheSameFeeling.texture = ability to bypass the texturepack lock
    AllTheSameFeeling.bypass = ability to join the server without the client

    When I'd like it by: perhaps 2014


    Julia :)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  3. yes i know, but with the mod it will be possible, because of the suggested jar-folder on the server.

    This folder contains all the available .jars to join the server, for instance, if you have a minecraft.jar with rei´s minimap, another one with optifine and another with only the All The Same Feeling-mod, you can add all those 3 files to the jars folder, and if the player joins the server using any of those 3, he will be allowed to join the server.

    So if you wan´t the clients of the normal member-group of your permission-tool(like PEX, etc.) only can join with All The Same Feeling-mod, you make a Minecraft.jar name it f.e. Minecraft1.jar and add it to the jars-folder on the server in All The Same Feeling-Directory. And then add a permission to the members-section in your permission-tool-config-file:
    - AllTheSameClient.hash.Minecraft1

    And at this moment you have forced a client-side thing, so you will be able to look, if f.e. only some of the mods from your AllTheSameClient/mods-folder are used. If not.. the client can´t join.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    o0Julia0o But we can't check what jar the player is using, nor can we force the player to use a different one
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    o0Julia0o This is the plugin request - not for mods. Even still - you can make a hacked client SAY it's not.
  6. the mod is made out of 2 parts:
    a server part
    a client part

    The server can check if a client has version 1.5.2 oder 1.6.0 and let them join or not. So he can proof if a client has version 1.5.2AllTheSameFeeling or 1.5.2. And if the client has not 1.5.2AllTheSameFeeling the client will be kicked or asked to "update"(his jar would be renamed, not deleted). But of course the normal way is to tell your clients to install the client-part of the mod, if they wan´t be able to join the server.

    Julia :)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  8. you install a mod, by adding something to your minecraft.jar - and this can be checked, because you need the correct minecraft.jar to joint the server.

    The second part is the mod-folder on the server in the AllTheSameFeeling-directory. Only this mods are allowed. So i a client with the AllTheSameFeeling-Mod joins the server, the server first checks if the client has the AllTheSameFeeling-Mod installed, and second checks if the client has only some of the mods in the mod-directory(serverside) installed. If 1 file differs, because it´s extra in the client-minecraft.jar... the client will be kicked.

    Julia :)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    o0Julia0o We can't check this stuff with bukkit nor do we support mods here, you are on the wrong forum
  10. ah o.k. :) sorry, that it what you meant. What´s the right forum for this? Isn´t it a plugin-request?

    Julia :)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    What you are requesting is not possible with plugins, you need a modded server and client to do that.
  12. ah o.k., a plugin is WITHOUT client-change.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Still not possible to check what jar they are using
  14. i made a misspelling.. i wanted to say: "ah o.k., a plugin is WITHOUT client-change." So without client change, my idea is not possible. So the AllTheSameFeeling-Plugin is no plugin, because it has to change something on the client to work. So have have to post it on a forum like: "mod-request".

    Julia :)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    We don't support/develop for/with mods. This is out of the capability of Bukkit. Locked.
    BillyGalbreath and timtower like this.
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