[INACTIVE][ECON] ecoCreature 0.0.5b - PvM/E Rewards [740]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by ChrisB, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. Offline


    ecoCreature 0.0.5b - PvM/E Rewards

    Based upon the stories of iMonster and CookieMonster, this nifty little plugin will allow you, the server owner to hand out more than the default, boring sets of items dropped from creatures on your server.

    Apart from allowing extra drops, how about economy support through iConomy & Essentials Economy as well as BOSEconomy? But... we just forgot one, MineConomy! (it works, too!)

    Did you like how iMonster treated your currency rewards without those decimals? Fully optional here!
    As if that wasn't enough, reward and penalty messages, fully customizable from your end!
    • Currencry rewards through iConomy. Messages are customizable.
    • Currency penalties, if thats your wish - with customizable messages.
    • Extra drops from all animals and monsters.
    • Prevent camping around monster spawners, fully optional.
    • Prevent rewards through the use of bow and arrow, optional with custom message.
    • Penalty for dieing, fully optional and can be set at percentage level. Custom messages.
    • Beloved donors and special members can earn more money through a simple permission switch, set in percentage gain.
    • Silent rewards, through the options. No more messages about rewards, penalties and such.
    • + more! (Read the config file for all the juicy details!)
    !!! Requirements:
    • iConomy 4.6.5
    • Permissions 2.7.2
    • CraftBukkit 740
    • * BOSEconomy 0.6.2 (Only required if you do not have iConomy)
    • * Essentials 2.1.x (Only required if you do not have iConomy)
    • * MineConomy 0.5.6 (Only required if you do not have iConomy)
    Permissions Setup for ecoCreature

    Each and every creature available! (If you do not add any of them, you won't get rewards)
    - 'ecoCreature.Creature.CraftCreeper'
    - 'ecoCreature.Creature.CraftSkeleton'
    - 'ecoCreature.Creature.CraftZombie'
    - 'ecoCreature.Creature.CraftSpider'
    - 'ecoCreature.Creature.CraftPigZombie'
    - 'ecoCreature.Creature.CraftGhast'
    - 'ecoCreature.Creature.CraftSlime'
    - 'ecoCreature.Creature.CraftChicken'
    - 'ecoCreature.Creature.CraftCow'
    - 'ecoCreature.Creature.CraftPig'
    - 'ecoCreature.Creature.CraftSheep'
    - 'ecoCreature.Creature.CraftSquid'
    - 'ecoCreature.Creature.CraftWolf'
    - 'ecoCreature.Creature.Spawner'
    ======== Or if you just want them all. ========
    - 'ecoCreature.Creature.*'
    + Note that the permissions are case sensitive! +
    Colour Codes @ ecoCreature.yml
    &0: Black
    &1: Dark Blue
    &2: Dark Green
    &3: Teal
    &4: Dark Red
    &5: Purple
    &6: Gold
    &7: Light Grey
    &8: Dark Gray
    &9: Light Blue
    &a: Light Green
    &b: Turquoise
    &c: Light Red
    &d: Pink
    &e: Yellow
    &f: White
    Warnings / Notes:
    • I might of have missed something, if I did, just leave a message in the thread.
    Known Issues:
    • None.
    Suggestions / TODO:
    • Suggestions are welcome.
    ecoCreature.jar via gamebin.org
    Full working server setup, for reference via gamebin.org
    • Updated for the latest stable bukkit.
    • Some features are still being worked on, in case you're wondering.
    • Fixed messages with no colors.
    • Fixed death penalty.
    • Added FixedDrops, open your ecoCreature.yml and add FixedDrops: false right under OverrideDrops. You can set the value true or false, if true... creatures will only drop the specified amount in your loot table, otherwise when false it takes a random number between 0 and the amount you wanted. This only needs to be added if upgrading from 0.0.5 and don't want to re-generate your config.
    v0.0.5 - Lederhosen!
    • uQuest hooking, if a creature dies, it can give a random quest.
    • Spawner drops items now.
    • Dollar signs as your currency now works.
    • Updated to work with MineConomy 0.5.6
    • Flat or percentage for the death penalty.
    • Misc random stuff that didn't work should work.
    • Tested against iConomy, didn't have time for the others - but should work, report what doesn't work if thats the case.
    v0.0.4g4 - Cows with laserguns!
    • uQuest hooked, but doesn't do anything yet.
    • MineConomy support added.
    • If camping near a spawner, mobs shouldn't drop anything.
    • Minor fixes and tweaks here and there, hopefully working better and warns when not working.
    v0.0.4g3 - Crispy Milk!
    • Drops under 1% are working.
    • Added a check to see whether or not Permissions are hooked and enabled.
    • Minor fixes.
    v0.0.4g2 - Maintenance overdrive, supreme drift!
    • Fixed up some permission checking.
    • Tweaked some hooks.
    • Compiled and tested with RB 670
    • Minor maintenance, no config changes required.
    v0.0.4g1 - Maintenance maintenance of the maintenance extreme extreme release.... deluxe
    • Toggler for No Reward message fixed.
    v0.0.4g - Jeeeez man ;/
    • Hopefully nailed the DEATH and RESPAWN issues.
    • Added BOSEconomy, its back in the game.
    • PigZombie is PigZombie, and no longer Zombie :p
    • Permissions are back in, and there has been changes made.
    • Extra gains work on group-level, you'll see what I mean inside the config.
    • No Reward message can now be toggled on or off.
    • Drop overrides can also be toggled on or off.
    • Random acts of fiddling around with the code
    • You must backup, remove & let ecoCreature generate a new config with this release.
    v0.0.4f - Ohsnap
    • Default drop tables are overriden by ecoCreature, default table is added to the config. Will be optional later.
    • Fixed a serious bug, where the players inventory would be wiped upon death. (very random and not always happening - but could)
    • Specifying a drop amount for a creature will give it a random between 0 and the specified amount now.
    • Essentials Economy is again supported and seems to be working better than ever.
    • Where did all the permissions go? VIP is left in for now, everything should per default yield rewards for now.
    v0.0.4e - More
    • Pigs no longer looked upon as Creepers
    • IntegerCurrency fixed, and working again.
    v0.0.4d - Maintenance Deluxe
    • Drops should override default creatures drops now.
    • Drops should now drop at the location of the creature which died.
    • Minor fixes.
    v0.0.4c - Extra Maintenance Release
    • Should be working fine with RB617, two test servers reporting no errors.
    • Configuration file fixed.
    • Tiny fixes.
    v0.0.4b - Maintenance release.
    • Check and option to see whether or not a player is under sea level.
    • Wolves added and supported.
    • Expanded list of items held.
    • Configuration changes, backup and re-generate, make sure you are up to date!
    v0.0.4a- Maintenance release.
    • Small bugfixes and tweaks.
    • Mob/monster spawner camping checks both the player and creature if near the spawner now, not just the player.
    • New permission available.
    • New configurable messages, send a message even if there aren't any rewards!
    • Option for configuring spawncamping message, or turn it off.
    • Empty messages should no longer output to players.
    • VIP group permission, reward your donors or special players with extra cash!
    • Penalty upon death (optional, drop some money when you die)
    • New and improved configuration,back up and generate a new one to see the newlyadded awesome.
    • + some other changes and fixes.
    • Fixed a bug with iConomy adding money even though a negative amount was entered.
    • Small tweaks.
    • Quick bugfix for proper messages.
    • Initial Release.

    Special Thanks & Stuff
    mudzereli, Mirage & Mineral, for initial testing & ideas.
    Nijikokun for iConomy, testing, code and ideas.
    Essentials Team for Essentials & Essentials Economy.
    Brotherhood Of Slaughter for their economy plugin.
  2. Offline


    I get the same error message as above, but the server hasn't crashed because of it yet.

    CB 617
    Iconomy 4.6.5
    EssentialsGroupManager (1.0 alpha 5)
  3. Offline


    Same as Arno00 and Ch0b0, without the crash.

    Iconomy 4.6.5
    Permissions 2.5.5
  4. Offline


    Me i have

    CB 617
    iConomy 4.6.5
    Permissions 2.5.5

    And the monster dont give money or extra drop :(

    Whay is my error ??
  5. Offline


    I updated the 0.0.4f download, it shouldn't occur any more, if it still does though, please tell me.

    What does your configuration file look like?
  6. Offline


    Here's a suggestion - let this addon spawn creatures as part of the drop table. Two fun examples: a 1% chance to drop 50 chickens when you kill a chicken (the "Zelda event"), and a 5% chance for killing a cow to drop spiders (spiders lay eggs in cows).
  7. Offline


    It's definitely doable, I will add it to my list ;)
  8. Offline


    Fixed, but there is no drop when I kill a mob neither normal nor extra loots. They still drop when a mob is killed by sunlight.
  9. Offline


    Show me your configuration file.

    The reason they still drop default loot when they burn or by other accidents is because I don't make checks for environmental damage to the creature. Only player vs creature at this time
  10. Offline


    The loots in the config file replace the default ones or are they extra drops ?

    ecoCreature.yml (open)
    Which: 1
    ESSTC: 'Simoleon'
    IntegerCurrency: true
    VIPGain: 0
    AllowCamping: false
    CampRadius: 12
    BowRewards: false
    PenalizeDeath: false
    PenalizePercent: 5
    AllowUnderSeaLVL: true
    Output: true
    Spawner: false
    NoCampMessage: '[$4Warning$f] Camping around the Monster Spawn gives no rewards.'
    NoBowMessage: ''
    DeathPenaltyMessage: 'You wake up to find that $6%c $fis missing from your pockets!'
    uQuest: false

    # HOW DO I DROPS!?
    # - format: 'item:amount:percent'
    # - more drops: Seperate the items with ;, add next
    # - format example: 'item:amount:percent;item2:amount:percent'
    # This means, first you input the item id, second the item max amount upon drop, and third
    # is the chanse it has to drop, in percent... 50 yields a fifty fifty, for instance.
    # -+-+- Special note on the AMOUNT, if you set an item to drop with the value set to 10
    # it selects a random amount, there's no guarantee that it will be fixed to 10.
    # ---> This will later be optional.
    # Coin_Minimum - Minium amount of coins to drop.
    # Coin_Maximum - The max amount of coins to drop.
    # !!! With a low minimum and high maximum, you will get a random amount between those values
    # Sometimes, it would be great if the amount was fixed instead of everchanging, but how?
    # It's simple... set the MINIMUM to the same amount as MAXIMUM - and you're ready for action!
    # Coin_Percent - What are the odds to receive any currency at all?
    # NoReward_Message - Even if the player doesn't receive a reward, a death message can be configured.
    # Reward_Message - Every creature destroyed can have its personal reward message upon death
    # - Acceptable codes:
    # - $colourcode - Check out the forum post for the colour codes!
    # - %m - Will display creature name
    # - %c - Will display the amount + currency
    # - %i - Will display the item you held in your hand at the time
    # Penalty_Message - If you have a negative amount for a creature, this is the custom message
    # for when the player is penalized with a deduction.
    Drops: '46:1:1'
    Coin_Minimum: 1
    Coin_Maximum: 3
    Coin_Percent: 100
    NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] The $c%m $fdies from a blow with your $3%i'
    Reward_Message: '$eCreeper $2vaincu : $6%c $2ajoutees a votre bourse.'
    Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] You have been penalized with a deduction of $6%c $ffor slaying a $c%m'

    Drops: '261:1:2;262:2:10'
    Coin_Minimum: 1
    Coin_Maximum: 2
    Coin_Percent: 100
    NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] The $c%m $fdies from a blow with your $3%i'
    Reward_Message: '$eSquelette $2vaincu : $6%c $2ajoutee(s) a votre bourse.'
    Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] You have been penalized with a deduction of $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'

    Drops: ''
    Coin_Minimum: 0.5
    Coin_Maximum: 1
    Coin_Percent: 100
    NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] The $c%m $fdies from a blow with your $3%i'
    Reward_Message: '$eZombie $2vaincu : $6%c $2ajoutee a votre bourse'
    Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] You have been penalized with a deduction of $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'

    Drops: ''
    Coin_Minimum: 1
    Coin_Maximum: 1
    Coin_Percent: 100
    NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] The $c%m $fdies from a blow with your $3%i'
    Reward_Message: '$eAraignee $2vaincue : $6%c $2ajoutee(s) a votre bourse.'
    Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] You have been penalized with a deduction of $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'

    Drops: '283:1:1'
    Coin_Minimum: 3
    Coin_Maximum: 5
    Coin_Percent: 100
    NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] The $c%m $fdies from a blow with your $3%i'
    Reward_Message: '$ePigman zombie $2vaincu : $6%c $2ajoutees a votre bourse.'
    Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] You have been penalized with a deduction of $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'

    Drops: '289:2:20'
    Coin_Minimum: 8
    Coin_Maximum: 12
    Coin_Percent: 100
    NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] The $c%m $fdies from a blow with your $3%i'
    Reward_Message: '$eGhast $2vaincu : $6%c $2ajoutees a votre bourse.'
    Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] You have been penalized with a deduction of $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'

    Drops: '341:1:10'
    Coin_Minimum: 1
    Coin_Maximum: 3
    Coin_Percent: 100
    NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] The $c%m $fdies from a blow with your $3%i'
    Reward_Message: '$eSlime $2vaincu : $6%c $2ajoutees a votre bourse.'
    Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] You have been penalized with a deduction of $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'

    Drops: ''
    Coin_Minimum: 5
    Coin_Maximum: 8
    Coin_Percent: 100
    NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] The $c%m $fdies from a blow with your $3%i'
    Reward_Message: '$eGeant $2vaincu : $6%c $2ajoutees a votre bourse.'
    Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] You have been penalized with a deduction of $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'

    Drops: '344:1:2'
    Coin_Minimum: 1
    Coin_Maximum: 1
    Coin_Percent: 0
    NoReward_Message: ''
    Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] You have been awarded $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'
    Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] You have been penalized with a deduction of $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'

    Drops: ''
    Coin_Minimum: 1
    Coin_Maximum: 1
    Coin_Percent: 0
    NoReward_Message: ''
    Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] You have been awarded $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'
    Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] You have been penalized with a deduction of $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'

    Drops: ''
    Coin_Minimum: 1
    Coin_Maximum: 1
    Coin_Percent: 0
    NoReward_Message: ''
    Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] You have been awarded $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'
    Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] You have been penalized with a deduction of $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'

    Drops: ''
    Coin_Minimum: 1
    Coin_Maximum: 1
    Coin_Percent: 0
    NoReward_Message: ''
    Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] You have been awarded $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'
    Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] You have been penalized with a deduction of $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'

    Drops: '349:1:5'
    Coin_Minimum: 1
    Coin_Maximum: 1
    Coin_Percent: 0
    NoReward_Message: ''
    Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] You have been awarded $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'
    Penalty_Message: '[$4:($f] You have been penalized with a deduction of $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'

    Drops: ''
    Coin_Minimum: -5
    Coin_Maximum: -5
    Coin_Percent: 100
    NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] The $2%m $fdies from a blow with your $3%i'
    Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] You have been awarded $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'
    Penalty_Message: '$2Vous avez perdu $6%c $2 pour avoir abattu un $eloup.'

    Drops: ''
    Coin_Minimum: -25
    Coin_Maximum: -25
    Coin_Percent: 100
    NoReward_Message: '[$9!$f] The $2%m $fexplodes from a blow with your $3%i'
    Reward_Message: '[$2:)$f] You have been awarded $6%c $ffor slaying a $2%m'
    Penalty_Message: '$2Vous avez perdu $6%c $2 pour avoir detruit un $egenerateur de monstres.'

    Configure: true
  11. Offline


    The "Drops" in the configuration overrides the default creature drops when a player kills a monster. If the "Drops" bit is empty, they will drop nothing. If the percentage is low on a drop, it won't always drop... so that may be why you get no drops.
  12. Offline


    Ok, thanks, I thought initial drops were preserved.
    By the way, great plugin :D.
  13. Offline


    I'm still working on the user-friendliness of the plugin and its varying options, so expect it to become easier in the future :)
    And thank you!
  14. Offline


    Maybe you can add an option to override or not the inital drops ;).
  15. Offline


    Already on my list of things to do for the next updates ;)
  16. Offline


    It works for a little bit but the error posted above seems to still be happening after a while. Downloaded the latest version minutes ago.
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    Anyway there could be a separate setting for tamed and wild wolves? Also it seems squid are not working... Though I think I am still running on version e, I haven't updated to the latest yet...
  19. Offline


    It means you have to read through the configuration file, you also seem to be running an old version, which means you have to get the new one, generate a new config file and check it out.

    Wolves are new, but I'm working on wild / tamed as well as having wolves give you rewards for kills through that way. AFAIK, Squids should be working as well
  20. Offline


    Download link seems not to be working.. I'm only able to download some sort of ecoCreature.download :confused:
  21. Offline


    Is there any way to disable the NoReward message? I tried removing the creature from the list, making the message equal to '' (but it just displays an empty line on my screen). Basically, I don't want messages/effects happening for Sheep/Cows/Pigs/Chickens, but there doesn't seem to be any way to "disable" messages from showing up. The option to have them is cool, but you should do a check that: if (msg == ''), then don't show the message.

    Otherwise, great plugin! :D
  22. Offline


    Google Chrome I suppose? rename .download to .jar
    Also fixed the download script to work with Chrome.

    Ah, thought I got rid of those, haha, thanks for letting me know, gonna fix them ;)
  23. Offline


    Is there any way to add support for permissions so I can only allow a certain group to get rewards from ecoCreature? I thought there already was but I think I confused it for the VIP permissions feature...
  24. Offline


    Just add ecoCreature.Rewarding.VIP to the group you want to earn extra money for now, I'm working on fixing it up real good soon.
  25. It's working fine and I don't see any errors, thanks for this fast update and for this awesome plugin ! x)

    As said before, I'd like to disable some messages and maybe disable some mob at all (If i don't want to change anything about pig, we could disable them in the plugin. Because now I need to set money drop rate to 0% and players get a message when killing a pig :/)
  26. Offline


    You suppose correctly. :)
  27. Offline


    I will have it as an option, still working out the most foul bugs before adding some new ones ;)

  28. Thanks, keep up your good work ;)
  29. Offline


    Yes, I used a online website db4free.net.
    What do you recommend? I dont have my pc on 24/7 so I couldnt run it from there.
  30. Offline


    Then thats the problem right there, it takes too long for the data to travel to and from your computer. Look into using the H2 database option with iConomy instead of MySQL with a free host.
  31. Offline


    Will there be MultiWorld Support for this plugin, since I want to create another world (MultiVerse) with stronger enemies, that give more money and better items when killed. Would be niiiice :)

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