How to refresh a player tab

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Jamesthatguy, Sep 14, 2013.

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    Hello, I am wondering how to refresh and individual's tab contents. I am not using tabAPI, I want to know using packets because as of now the only time the tab seems to refresh with my set text is when a player logs in. Thanks.
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  3. Offline


    It's not refreshing when I resend the packet. I am update ints and they are never changing in the tab list. The only time it changes is when the player relogs.
  4. Maybe try running it in a scheduler/timer?
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  8. Offline


    I am using protocollib to hide players on the tab list and I have a tab refresh method that basically resend the packets with the new values. This is the method I am using to set the tab and my refresh is just a ton of setTab(Player, "NEW INTEGER");

    public static void setTab(Player p, String text) {
            ((CraftPlayer) p).getHandle().playerConnection.sendPacket(new Packet201PlayerInfo(text, true, 9999));
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