[Urgent] Sugarcane Breaks After Server Restart

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by MaliciousMan, Aug 20, 2013.

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    Hey, so I'm building a spawn area and I needed some REALLY tall grass. I turned to sugarcane and it looks great. I use /stoplag which stops all server intensive shiz and I did //fill 83[which is sugarcane canes] 1000 which filled my dome's floor with sugarcane. It looks epic, only problem it all breaks every time I restart or do /stoplag -c which resumes server intensive shiz.

    The entire region is covered in a WG region with leaf-decay turned off as well. If anyone knows of a plugin that adds functions to WG regions, like stops sugarcane from breaking, please post that here.

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    Bump & here's a screenshot with /stoplag on, then what happens when I turn it off -

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    Bump. No one? necrodoom Jade Sorry in advance for bumping so many times.
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    MaliciousMan No need to apologize, as you're following the bump rules. However, please don't tag mods unless they've responded to the thread and you're replying to them.
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    BUMP & the server will be up relatively soon. I was wondering if there may be a alternative? Any suggestions? Comments?
  7. I think the reason is quite obvious (Unless I'm just losing it).

    Sugarcane needs water near it to be planted. When you stop all intensive server activity, it includes the need for sugar cane to check the necessity of water being near it, so it can be planted anywhere...after you resume the intensive activity...it checks if there is water near it...it finds out there is none...then...boom. Everything breaks.

    Hope this helped. Again, this is just an assumption.
    megasaad44 likes this.
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    Haha, I'm quite aware of this xD and yes you are completely correct. The reason I asked this question is because I knew WHY it was breaking, but I was trying to find a way to stop it. You see, I needed a 2+ block high form of grass[or something with low visibilty], and sugarcane meets my requirements.

    I can keep it there while halting all server intensive activity, but I want to keep it while NOT halting server activity.

    Any way to do this?
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    Bump T_T so sad...
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    Wow, no one knows the answer to this... Can't mark it as solved!
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