Map Voting

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Beef Stew, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. Offline

    Beef Stew

    I have an idea for a very useful plugin. It involves these commands:

    /setlobby - Designate a lobby TP point to where you are standing.
    /lobbytime [time] - Set the amount of time spent in the lobby between maps.
    /setlobbycorner1 - Sets the first boundary of the lobby to where you are standing.
    /setlobbycorner2 - Sets the second boundary of the lobby to where you are standing.
    /setmap [name] - Sets the position and name of a map to where you are standing.
    /setmapcorner1 [name] - Sets the first boundary of the designated map to where you are standing.
    /setmapcorner2 [name] - Sets the second boundary of the designated map to where you are standing.
    /maptime [name] [time] - Sets the time spent on the designated map.
    /lobbyleavemessage [message] - Sets the message shown to a player who tries to leave the lobby.
    /mapleavemessage [message] - Sets the message shown to a player who tries to leave a map.
    /mapovermessage [name] [message] - Sets the message shown to all players when a map ends.
    /mapbeginmessage [name] [message] - Sets the message shown to all players when a map starts.
    /votetime [time] - Sets the time players have to vote.
    /votestarttime [time] - Sets the time after entering the lobby that the voting begins.
    /minilobby [mapname] - Sets the minilobby for a map.
    /minilobby [time] - Sets the time spent in a minilobby.
    /[pluginname]help - Shows these commands. The plugin name is up to the coder.

    Now, for what this actually DOES:

    The players on the server are in a set lobby. They are there for a set amount of time. If they try and leave the rectangular region set by the "setlobbycorner" command, they are teleported to the set lobby TP point and shown the "lobbyleavemessage". After a set amount of time, a vote appears in chat. It says,
    " "/vote 1" for [Randommapname], "/vote 2" for [Randommapname2].". The "[Randommapname]s will be replaced with any 2 of the maps you have set with the "/setmap" command. The vote will end after a set amount of time. If the votes for 1 map outnumber the other, everyone will be teleported to that map's minilobby. After a set amount of time in the minilobby, everyone will be teleported to the actual map. After that map has reached its time limit, everyone is shown the "mapovermessage" and teleported back to the lobby. The "mapcorner" and "mapleavemessage" commands work the same as for the lobby. Then repeat.
  2. Offline


    What is this for exactly? :confused:

    Survival games, spleef, paintball, adventure map, treasure hunt, pvp arena, CTF?
  3. Offline

    Beef Stew

    Could be used for any of the above, even all of the above at the same time!
  4. Offline


  5. Offline

    Beef Stew

  6. Offline

    Beef Stew

    No takers?

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