[WIP] aiAdmin v0.0.1 - Artificial admin. [1.2.5-R3.0]

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by TopGear93, May 28, 2012.

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    aiAdmin is an upcoming ai system that will replace admins and mods when they are offline. Future builds will have a learning system that will learn off of questions each player asks. Some plans are to make an online database containing lists of questions and answers.

    Currently as aiAdmin stands, it has:
    • answer basic "amauter" questions
    • answer questions
    • check for fast block breaks. "x-ray"
    • check for swearing and tell them to stop or have them kicked or banned for x minutes
    • full banning and kicking system
    • prevent killing when admins and mods are offline.
    • if at least one mod or admin is on then the killing is re-enabled.
    • Metrics.

    reloads config
    /ai reload

    gets plugin version
    /ai version

    adds mod to list
    /ai add mod <name>

    adds admin to list
    /ai add admin <name>

    # aiAdmin
      title: aiAdmin
      configreloaded: Configs reloaded!
      confignoperms: No permissions to reload config!
      versionnoperms: No permissions to check version!
        timemsg: ' your date & time is-'
        worldtime: ' World:'
        playertime: ' Your time:'
        spacer: ' | '
      adminsnoperms: ' No permissions to be added to admins list!'
      adminsaddedtolist: ' You were added to the admins list'
      alreadyaddedadmin: Name already added to admins list!
      alreadyaddedmod: Name already added to mods list!
      modsnoperms: ' No permissions to be added to mods list!'
      modsaddedtolist: ' You were added to the mod list'
      useplugincommand: ' use /plugin to see the plugins'
      norankup: ' no, you can''t be ranked up'
        yeskill: ' yes, you can kill.'
        nokill: ' no, dont bother or you WILL be kicked or banned!'
        yesfly: ' yes, you can fly but go into creative!'
        nofly: ' no, dont bother or you WILL be kicked or banned!'
        nomoney: ' no, go make your own money!'
        nokillingmsg: ' no killing!'
        kill: true
        fly: true
        toomanyblocks: ' Woa! What are you doing? Stop X-raying! Find the blocks on your
          illegalbreaks: ' was kicked! broke too many of the illegal blocks in a short
          illegalbreaks: ' was banned! broke too many of the illegal blocks in a short
        kickreason: ' broke too many of the illegal blocks in a short time!'
        banreason: ' broke too many of the illegal blocks in a short time!'
          banreason: ' Illegal block breaks! Come back in 5min'
        breaktotal: 20
          timercheck: 600
        general: ' I recommend you look on Bukkit forums for an answer.'
        'yes': ' yes, enjoy your stay.'
        'no': ' no its not.'
    kick: []
    ban: []
    admins: []
    mods: []
    vo.o.1 is EXTREMELY buggy!
    WARNING TO ALL: aiAdmin will be a heavy plugin. currently at 38kb("40kb- on disk"). Expect it to hit well over 1.5mb over time.

    Fully open source now. No need to ask anymore.

    • learning system. it will learn off new questions and answer them correctly.
    • give items and money.
    • restart server on issues.
    • message a real mod or admin.
    • whitelist players
    • update plugins when needed.
    • online database with questions and answers
    v0.0.1 - First push. Very buggy
    • answer questions
    • check for fast block breaks. "x-ray"
    • check for swearing and tell them to stop
    • full banning and kicking system
    • prevent killing when admins and mods are offline.
    • if at least one mod or admin is on then the killing is re-enabled.
    • adds Metrics.
    • adds configurable strings,int,longs,etc
    • copyright added
    v0.0.2 - Update. Place holder.Coming Tomorrow.No longer continuing.
    • bug fixes
    • config clean up
    • more to come.
  2. Offline

    Deleted user

    1. Add Vault as your plugin dependency in the OP.
    2. Do I have to use Vault :C.
  3. Offline


    Looks like a good idea but does it have a command list? Well not command question list so people know what they can ask and does it cancel these ding event of the chat as it could be annoying or would look wierd as though your asking someone else it.
    TopGear93 likes this.
  4. Offline


    theres no command list. I understand that it could be a bit weird when your asking someone else and the admin shows a message.
  5. Offline


    Also you say fast block breaks is X-ray? Am I reading it wrong as breaking blocks fast is surely a feature of a hacked client not X-ray.
  6. Offline


    Not in the sense of fast breaking blocks but just multiple of the same blocks being broken fast in a sort amount of time.
  7. Offline


    Like stone? As that wouldn't work IMO you shouldn't do fast breaking by you should do spam and all caps warnings with things like "how many warnings do I have" and stuff
  8. Offline


    it only works on the ores like diamond,redstone,etc
  9. Offline


    no need to ask for permissions. Im making this open to the public.
  10. Offline


    Are you working actually on this plugin?
  11. DardoTheMaster
    This thread has been inactive for over a year + the author has been offline for a while now, therefore I don't think he's working on this anymore.
  12. Offline


    Necro. Locked.
    TopGear93 likes this.
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